
Why have divorce rates increased since the 1970s?

by Guest65692  |  earlier

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Is it because marriages are any worse?

Or is it because with most couples, the spouses can each afford to live independently, which wasn't the case in the 1970s?




  1. In today's time people are more concerned with themselves rather than others. They only want to do what is pleasing to them and they dont care to think about how their actions would affect someone else. If people were more considerate and less self-asorbed then marriages would actually last.

  2. Yes marriages are worse for working class and poor class.  Lately I've been hearing about marriages that break up right after the wedding!

    Many others break up before the first year is out.

    An older woman (who has the largest family in town with 100 nieces & nephews) told me women today are taught to be more demanding.  She tells me how many of her neices demaned their husbands do this or that, etc.  

    VAWA and other feminist laws have given women superior civil rights.  One phone call and the police come and arrest the man (even with no evidence.)  One woman went around telling other women "if you want to get rid of your husband, just call the police and say he hit you.  

    We lived in a spoiled society where the marriage commitment is not as highly valued.  This will get worst as little girls, taught they are superior, will become more and more demanding.  The young men are likewise brought up in a society where being rude is in.

    The media has helped to "dumb down" our country.  We are told we are "living in the end times."  There is an air of desperation about.  People want to be satisfied now instead of later.

    Hope some of this helped.

  3. The breakdown of the family unit teaches kids a lack of commitment. If the parents were divorced, it is quite likely their kids will divorce also. It is learned and consequently expands with each new generation the same way welfare does.

  4. My opinion is men are attracted to many women instead of focusing on their own wife and women are tired and do't want the competition because now a days we can do it ourselves.meaning supporting self

  5. Divorces are easier to obtain, especially with No Fault Divorces.  Women are able to care for themselves and children better now than in the 1970's.  Most times women and children were deserted and left to fend for themselves or sustain themselves on Welfare and very low paying jobs.  It also gave rise to Women Demanding equal pay for equal work and taking non-traditional employment that pays more.

  6. Women have become equal (or almost equal) with men in societal standing in the 20th Century. Women's suffrage have been witnessed; women's education became more widespread (so that by the end of the century all women have rights to go to college, except parts of Africa, I think); women's incomes rose rapidly; women's influence and participation in politics and the society, in general, tremendously increased. To say, women have been liberalized.

    For the men's part, the husband has become more insecure that he increasingly feels that his masculinity or superiority (master of the house) is threatened when a woman has started to make more money than he does (man as provider, woman as nurturer); a woman has started to take over in decision-making (such as moving, education of kids); etc.

    Also, since divorce was  was not yet commonplace in the 70's, it was not easy for couples to just separate because of societal/familial pressure. Through the years, the rate has continuously increased that gradually, people have started to consider divorce normal. To say, since the 1970's the encouragement has been constanrtly growing for chaotic couples to separate.

  7. -Women's rights have increased since the 70s. If a woman has a good job, she won't need a husband to support her financially.

    -Some people take marriage less seriously than "in the old days."

    -National Happiness has gone down. Isn't that silly? National Happiness. When polled, people are less happy then they were 30 years ago.

  8. I think the reason why the divorce rate is higher now is because both parents are forced to work cause the economy is in bad shape, I think women not willing to put up with anything has empowered them too much and eventhough i dont' condone bad behavior from men, i still believe that when it comes to the household financal wise men should cover most if not all expenses and women should do most household chores and parenting without the anger and the thoughts of unfairness..  but mostly i think financial stress, too much unfaithfulness, loss of respect, trust, and not getting to know each other prior to marriage and anger has made this marriage world unbearable.. that is so sad.

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