
Why have humans come up with an idea of contreception?

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Sorry if i spelt that wrong!!

Im all for condoms as anybody would be, but going back to days of apes, how did we come up with this, its odd because its not the way of animals, our instincts tell us to multiply, so how did we come up with that idea???

Im asking on like, Darwin basis ideas, so no fad answers

Also, as i said, im not dissing condoms, im just curious




  1. Modern living requires going beyond our instincts to mate as much as we can starting at age 12 or 13 and to go to war with the neighboring tribes.  (We haven't done so well with the latter yet, and my teenaged kids suggest we struggle with the former).

    We evolved to have brains that can figure things out really well, and have now used them to figure out that overpopulation is bad, that we can have s*x without the responsibility of babies when we so choose, and that... we evolved.  Oh, and how to make computers and an internet so we can discuss things like this. :)

  2. s*x feels good. It is an evolutionary trait that encourages us to procreate.  

    We are just taking advantage of years of evolution, we are reaping the benefits of intercourse, without having to rear a child.

    We are the smartest animals around, we have come up with a lot of things that other species have not.

  3. Because the world is over populated and ever increasing so someone had to do something about it.

  4. Well this actually isn't that unique to humans. Some animals will practice reduced breeding in response to environmental stresses. Birds will produced smaller clutches (or less eggs) in response to a decrease in the availability of food. Some primates also practice a restraint in breeding (and also may help others raise their offspring) if there are stresses on the environment. This is called altruistic behaviour (altruism, is social behavior which an individual has an interest in the welfare of other individuals, ultimately their own as well). Humans of course have furthered this by not just abstinance, but with artifical barriers and biochemistry. There are of course many more complex reasons why humans practice restraint in reporduction, but this shouldn't be seen that far removed from nature.

  5. MONEY.  As the last few answers stated...we unfortunately rely on a paper or coin currency to aid for our offspring, unlike every other species on earth.  through years of this trade and bargaining, we realized we better "wrap it up" or we will be paying for it..humans take care of their young for some of the longest time (if not the longest) compared to other animals....and unfortunately that means being conscience of what we're doing.  And putting out a dime for it... Also...I don't think castration would have bode well for men back in the day or now for that matter but I think ...and maybe just me....some guy back in the day was like what will stop me from having kids other than chopping my nuts off....and ....BAM.....there it was the goat intestine condom.

  6. Actually...

    Marsupials have a potential to essentially abort a birth quite easily.  It's one of their few advantages over placental mammals.

    Being able to abort is beneficial if you know you can't raise your offspring well.  This is particularly important in disruptive environments; if food and other resources are not stable and secure, it is advantageous to abort.

    The analogies to human contraception are very similar.

    Of course there are many other reasons, but I just wanted to mention marsupials.

  7. good question.  And I'll add this.

    If humans and dolphins are the only mammals who have s*x for pleasure, do the dolphins have (I know it sounds silly) but contraception too?  Or to they have s*x for pleasure and have to deal with pregnancy or do they use the "withdrawal method"?!?!?!

  8. We are conscious of lives and how things can effect them, animals mate and reproduce...but humans live to live...we know that if we have children too young that we can't live our lives to the fullest...

  9. I don't think that contraceptives came in until recently, around about 2000 years ago. Before that it would have been "cure" rather than "prevention". There are a lot of plants that can cause an abortion.

    My answer to your question: too many kids=too many mouths to feed.

    Especially in hard times, droughts etc. If you're in a plentiful land, the more kids the better, but if you're living hard, you're better off with less....

    But then again, the more kids you have, the more chance that your offspring will live.

  10. people like to bone, but don't  want to have a child every time they do so, therefore contraceptives.

    In evolutonary terms,  some people can only afford to take care of one or two children, so they keep from having more using contraception.  Less children means more resources for the few you want, making them healthier and more likely to reproduce themselves, continuing your bloodlines

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