
Why have i been in a depression funk lately?

by Guest58447  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and lately i've been really sad and depressed. I'm feeling fatigued and bloated all the time. The only time that changes is when i'm playing tennis or exercising, which is just about everyday. But the day after, i feel the same, fatigued, bloated and depressed. I'm going back to school soon and i'm worried my close friend will be getting a lot of glances (not the bad staring freak kind) and getting checked out and hit on. I think i might be sad because i know i wont be. But that was only the past 2 days where i've seen her 'new look' i know i should be happy for my friend and i dont know why, but i'm jealous. I've been feeling bad/depressed for about 1 - 2 months now :(




  1. Don't let your emotions decide your actions,

    Let your actions decide your emotions.

    Lead your life with a little more thought and less feelings, and remember that every single person is different. Nothing to ever be jealous of.

    Watch this:

    We run and run in our lives, racing with other people to see who's better, but at the end of the day the only person we are racing with is ourselves.

    Good luck in life, and remember that looks are definitely not everything. You probably feel nervous etc because school is starting again, but never let yourself feel bad because you compare yourself to someone else.


    Just be the BEST you that YOU can be, NOBODY WILL EVER BE YOU!( and you will never be anyone else)

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