
Why have i got additional applied science??

by  |  earlier

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last year, in year 10 i did ordinary science i got 100% in one and 1 mark off 100% in the other for foundation. Why am i doing this additional applied science this is for people with difficulty's to science. it feels if i have moved down : / in stead of being moved up for the higher paper. I'm in a set with half intelligent people and half idiots. why is this could it be a mistake and if not why have i been given this additional science ??? help me please!!!




  1. Why don't you ask your teacher?

    What class you get put in is usually open to discussion. If you feel like you should be in a higher group, then tell your teacher that. Maybe it is a mistake, but you won't know until you talk to them.

    Then if they're not willing to discuss it you could try your tutor/form teacher or your head of year.

    Why don't you be proactive about it?

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