
Why have i got this bulge?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, kinda wierd question, but i got a flat-ish tummy, but at the bottom, before my hips, i got a big bulge. I dont understand why. The docs said it was cus when i wasnt eatin properly, my guts got squeezed down there!! That doesnt even sound like it could happen. Please help, this is ruining me. I cant wear tight tops because i am so paranoid about it!! People have even pointed this out to me! What can I do to make it go? No matter how much i try to work out, it stays there! Help!!




  1. It sounds like an inguinal hernia.

    Info in inguinal hernia -

    Please get a second opinion, because, if left untreated, a hernia may become "strangulated", which would cause the intestine to turn necrotic, spreading massive infection through your body and putting your life in grave danger.

  2. My mom has that, kinda.

    We think it might be cancer in the uterus.

  3. i have that

    i think its ment to be protective of your organs or something

    its best to just try to ignore it but if it really bugs you do some crunches or go swimming

  4. Its normal baby, every one has it. mine is huge! be thankful you have a flatish tummy :) x.x.

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