
Why have i lost my abiity to spell?

by  |  earlier

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my phonetic and rote spelling used to be in the top 99 percntile

now i have to rely onspell checkand am completely shocked at my typed, handwritten and verbal spelling decline by at least 30%...I had tocorrect this paragraph several times. Which means I read the mispelled word correctly.




  1. I agree with Wendell. In addition because society today relies on spell check and other word processing systems so often we kind of turn off our own spell check system.

  2. :P  that's nothing, wait till you are older and forget the words you want to use, much less how to spell them . . .you have spell check, what do i have. . . and don't say dictionary because you have to know the word you are looking up ! !

  3. !

  4. dislecsia?

  5. I have never seen an answer that resembles a doctor.  I think the majority of people who answer these questions are very young with little else to do.  

    At age 55 I wonder if you have been having small strokes, I would go to the doctor and ask for a referral to a neurologist.

  6. Hi,

    Have you been to a speech therapist?

    Just a screening could be helpful to check your level of understanding and producing the written language...have you noticed any other memory problems ( such as unable to remember names, numbers, events)...I would start with a medical SLP ( specifically one specialized in aphasiology) .

    Good luck!

  7. with out knowing your age, I would recommend alot less television and computer use and more reading of written text. Every study on mind development shows that the brain flourishes  on the process of reading written text, where as the mind is numbed and destroyed by alot of television, video game use and computer use. this is one of the reasons why the US is one of the most illiterate countries in the world, we do not read.

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