
Why have i never had a boyfriend?

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I've never had a boyfriend and I'm 15. It makes me sad because i have friends that are in happy, cute relationships and i haven't even had my first kiss yet. I know I'm not very pretty but I'm not an ugly beast! lol I'm kind of shy. why have i never had a boyfriend? that's me




  1. honey ur pretteir than me. i sometimes want to ask myself that question but then i get over it by being crazy, sometimes its better to be single than coupled i mean i say hi to guys and no one gets mad at me but then my friends say hi to a guy and then their boyfriends get mad

  2. i'm 15 and ive only had one boyfriend and no first kiss. dont worry about it your fine

  3. idk, maybe because your shy, im 14 and thats my problem too........~xoxo ally*

  4. i'd **** you

  5. u haven't had a bf?

    well don't worry love will come to u lol

  6. You're actually very pretty. way prettier than me.

  7. oh hun your very pretty! Don't worry, would you rather have taken the time to really search for a guy who you can connect with on a deeper level or jump into dating for the sake of saying you have a bf? If it takes you until 20 to find the right man for you, the wait was worth it! Dont feel bad because you think you arnt pretty, you are VERY pretty =)

  8. dont really worry about it...i mean your only 15 right now you should be worrying about school and staying outta trouble..

  9. fifteen's fine. you'll find someone, you're young. don't worry. you have alot of time. as do i, so we shouldn't worry ;)  

  10. You're pretty!

    I'm turning 16 in 5 days and i haven't had a boyfriend.

    I'm sure we will both find great guys, good things come with time.

    Id rather wait for something good then to just rush into something bad.

  11. First off, Your gorgeous!

    Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself.

    And boyfriends arnt everything.

    I much rather like being single and free in highschool.

    But I remember when I was upset cuz I didnt have a boyfriend.

    Just say hi to guys in your class and be confident. You'll find someone

  12. your not pretty at all! your gorgeous!(:

    seriously! :D

    you know, maybe its just not that time.

    dont worry, your still young. (:

  13. When I was 15 I really wanted a boyfriend and felt so left out that I had not had one yet.  But at 16, I looked back to when I was 15 and think wow I was wayyy to young to even be wanting a boyfriend.  Now I am 17 and I am actually glad I've never had a boyfriend.  

    It's odd.  In the end, I think you will be a much happier person if you don't date in high school.  You do not get hurt, you are allowed to be yourself, and not have to be attatched to another person.

    But along the way it really does suck.  All you need to learn is how to be happy how you are single and not realize it when you are stuck dating someone.

    Once you realize how happy being yourself, being free, and not needing another person to love you besides yourself, I think you will be the happiest person in the world and not need to constantly worry if the person you love most will stop loving you, because the person you love most is yourself.

  14. I dunno - you're really pretty, and seem nice.

  15. Omg Ur freakin gorgeous!!!!!

    Don't worry You're right guy will come soon

  16. you're only 15. i wouldn't be too concerned ... guys your age aren't really worth it, anyway. they're all quite immature. there's nothing wrong with how you look. it's worth it to wait for the right guy.  

  17. You're gorgeous, so don't even worry about that! Guys tend to like girls that are outgoing, so if you're shy, just try to open up a little more and make an attempt to start conversations with guys. I know it can be hard (i used to be extremely shy myself), but it gets easier and you'll realize it's worth it.  

  18. no worries, I'm 20 and still don't have a boyfriend I'm not really worried about it I'm only 20 I have my whole life to worry about it. So its ok that you don't, you are only 15.  

  19. i wish i was half as cute when i was 15 as you are!  to be honest, i never kissed anyone till i was 21.  21!!  you have plenty of time to find a bf.  my bf now is actually my first real one, i mean sure i dated (again, after i was 21!) but he's my first real boyfriend.  it's ok to be shy, i was painfully shy till i found a job and learned how to be around people.  now i have no problem making friends!  you just haven't met the right person.  you will know, the right boy will take the time to talk to you and keep trying to talk to you even though you are shy.  there's nothing wrong with you!  enjoy your freedom!  i had plans every weekend because i was always doing stuff with my friends, and not worrying about boys.  just have fun!

  20. Because you're only 15.  Don't worry, it'll happen when it's time.

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