
Why have i not seen anything about policy from the RNC?

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All i hear are attacks against the opposition, and allot of hype for McCain/ Palin. Why are they afraid to talk about what matters?




  1. Where have you been for the last few months? A Cave?

  2. How can McCain/Palin and the Republican Party rally against their fearless leader President Bush. It would focus attention on their enabling eight years, causing the American people to wise up to their tactics.  

  3. Same reasons I did not see any at the DNC, it was the same thing they have said the last 30 years

  4. They have.  When is Obama going to actually DO something that matters other than give speeches and run for president.

    About health care (for the guy who asked):

    "John McCain Will Reform Health Care Making It Easier For Individuals And Families To Obtain Insurance. An important part of his plan is to use competition to improve the quality of health insurance with greater variety to match people's needs, lower prices, and portability. Families should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines.

    John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.

    John McCain Proposes Making Insurance More Portable. Americans need insurance that follows them from job to job. They want insurance that is still there if they retire early and does not change if they take a few years off to raise the kids.

    John McCain Will Encourage And Expand The Benefits Of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) For Families. When families are informed about medical choices, they are more capable of making their own decisions and often decide against unnecessary options. Health Savings Accounts take an important step in the direction of putting families in charge of what they pay for."


    Read here, it's a broad issue.

  5. Because they have no policy to speak of.  So instead they depend on McCain being a war hero and bashing Obama.

    It excites the faithful but won't sway the independents.

    We'll see how far this tactic goes on the campaign trail

    P.S. Obama did outline his platform.  Tax companies that ship jobs overseas and use that to help busiensses that stay here.  Lower the middle class income tax and pay for that with the upper 10% paying their fair share as well as the oil corporations that have been receiving huge tax breaks while making record profits. And on and on.  That's about as specific as it gets folks.  Will McCain be as speciafic or will we get more war stories and bashing?

  6. another broken record liberal.

    you clearly didn't listen to palins speach..she highlighted issues she has actually tackled unlike things obama plans to but has never shown any effort to do so. what matters is things they have ACTUALLY DONE not just what they say. And that is what was highlighted tonight, not just figures of speech. This is not a metephorical world, things get done by action not words..they showed how palin and mccain have actually reformed and take on both parties. Unlike the car salesmen on the other ticket who are good at selling cars but could never build one.  

  7. they do you just do  not want to listen  

  8. I'm glad to see so many comments and questions like this.  I want to see what the McCain ticket has to offer the country in terms of economy and health care.... and so far.... NOTHING

  9. For the same reason why you didn't hear anything about policies during the DNC.  The conventions are merely a party rallying event.  The policies and issues will be the meat and potatoes during the debates. Do you know anything about politics?  I only ask because it doesn't seem like you do.

  10. What have we seen from camp Obama except a lot of hype and talk?  As per usual?  I wonder how many "advisors" Obama has on the economy seeing as how he has 300 Foreign Policy advisors who couldn't advise him on the recent Russia conflict. Until 3 days later.  His Senate voting records speaks volumes. He votes "Present" which means he does not vote at all.  

  11. If Senator McCain fails to address policy issues tomorrow night, your question becomes more valid.

  12. Because they have hidden agendas which totally involve self serving interests . This is The Gods Honest Truth.

    Check out Hullabaloo -a first hand account of Palins greed and manipulation.

  13. I'm waiting for the answer to that question from both sides... I'm still undecided in this race, but it seems like everybody talks the good talk... "energy independence", "lower taxes", "more jobs", but I don't see anybody with a plan to get there.

    As I listened to Obama last week, I heard nothing but an increase in expenditures (universal health care, improved military, etc.) with only a decrease in revenue (lower taxes.)  He did mention that he would stick it to big corporations, and then within moments said that he would get those corporations to open up tens of millions in jobs.

    I just see both sides of the camp spewing out a lot of hype with no real plan to get there.

  14. they are losers--they have no policy.

    they have no record.

    they've killed 5,000 soliders;

    run up the deficity;

    shipped off jobs; and are just looking stoopid in the face at this point,

    so what the hey--let's call obama names.

    nah nah

    obama/biden '08!

  15. / No earmarks, lower taxes, oil prices lowered, honorable end to the war...

    you know - just take everything the Dems stand for, and think the opposite :)

  16. In order for them to have a chance to win, they have to attack, that's how bad things are getting.  Romney's attack on Michelle was pathetic.

    And one person(Guiliani) did talk about how Obama doesn't know enough about handling terrorism, but look at America, we got our own economic problems.  Americans want a better economy before we concentrate more on the war on terror.

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