
Why have kids anymore?

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I have always been the guy that really wants a kid but I always knew I wouldn;t have any until after college when I was well developed and ready. I wanted this because I wanted to give my kids the best of everything. But lately I have been thinking about not having kids because I dont want them to live in this nasty world. Life is starting to suck. The economy is screwed. Land is destroyed everyday for more developments. The world is overpopulated.

My viewpoints kinda suck because I really know I would be a great father.

What do you think?




  1. I agree I won't have kids because some people won't take care of our planet.

  2. If the world and life sucks that bad, then there's no point in doing anything.  Why have a job and show up every day?  Why pay your bills?  Why buy a house or a car?  If everything was so hopeless, then there would be no incentive to build a good life for yourself.

  3. I don't understand why everybody thinks the world is so horrible. If you are college educated then you can certainly support a child. Things happen and people change, thats called LIFE. And children are the miracles of it.

  4. You may change your mind several more times.  Just leave your options open.

    Kids are a real blessing.  We need some smart ones who can deal with the changes that this country needs to make.

    It's good though that you are being cautious.  Part of responsible parenting is the ability to decide when and if having a child is appropriate.

    The world has never been a perfect place to have a child.  Don't let that stop you if you come to the place in your life where it's a positive addition to your family.

  5. You know...before I had my son I used to run those same thoughts through my mind. However, if you are a loving and dedicated parent, I think you will have a happy child no matter what condition the world is in.  I am sure people have thought this for generations!  As for myself, it was one of the things I wanted most out of life and I decided that it was very important to me.

  6. why not have kids? yes i understand that there are many horrible things happening in this world, but stop looking at all the wrong things that people do, rather look at what good things people do. many people aren't selfish, they give to the poor, alot of us try not to litter and protect our planet. iit doesn't take much to keep our earth clean. just make sure you don't litter, waste energy, and you'd be suprised at what a difference you could make. i think you should have kids, it'd make your life alot better, in my opinion at least.

  7. You should adopt.

    The kids are already in this world.

    You could make their life easier.

  8. Are you not glad your dad did not ask a similar question years ago?

    If he did he got the answer he wanted.

  9. there is alot of things in this world that is not perfect, but its nothing new. my greatgrandma used to talk about how her grandma talked about never having kids for similar reasons (maybe not all your reasons) but she still believed things to be screwed up enough not to want them. she ended up having one, and had a wonderful life with her family.  

  10. I am the mother of two and one more on the way and I have gone through this. To be honest sometimes I feel guilty for bringing them into this world. I feel bad that they are going to have to grow up in this age. But, when I give them a hug I forget about all that and just live for the moment. I make their lives the best I can. I know I could never of gone through life without becoming a mom no matter what condition the world is in. Life sucks and then you die.. and all that c**p but life doesn't have to suck you can live it to it's fullest and if you want to be a father... Then why not? If you can give your kids a full life with you then go for it. My kids are happy and fortunately the world hasn't affected them yet. Hopefully things will improve and everything will right itself. You have to remember all the things that are happening with the economy have happened before it's just a new newstory because it's happening now. Back in the 70's there was even a shortage of gas. Stations were running out and the prices (for that time) were extreme. Food prices went up. etc etc. This has happened before and it will happen again. The economy has always been able to come back and things will steady out, it may be years from now but it will happen. Live your life to it's fullest and be happy. God Bless.

  11. Well, things won't always be like this.  I just had my son 3 months ago, and I know he's gonna be alright.  I see it as if you try to improve things yourself, things will get better.  A little improvement from each individual will help.  Someday the world will be a nice place again.

  12. people can find anything wrong with the world we're living in.  i'm glad though that you want to have kids after college so you can have some money. the economy will probably get better in a little while, people still had kids during the great depression didn't they? if you dont want to HAVE a kid, there are always a lot of kids wanting to get adopted, either with a couple or single parents. it sounds like you would make a great father and you could teach them about what is good in the world, and who knows, maybe one day you might find a lucky girl that you want to be with for the rest of your life.

  13. I can understand your feelings on some of the above but you're off on some...for instance, overpopulation...what a load of c**p!  Most of Europe and some of Asia has a negative population growth.  They are actually paying couples to have children.  Another thing...what are you doing to change any of the negative things?  Having a child makes you have more incentive to get involved, makes you become selfless and worry about someone other than yourself.  Life is not starting to're letting it.  There are many happy people out there who don't dwell on the downside, that are hard working and know what the purpose is life have joy (not necessarily constant happiness) and keep that in mind throughout their actions.

  14. No matter thats going on in the world if you want a child then you want a child, its a simple as that. Australia is underpopulated so maybe you should move here and have kids...lmao.
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