
Why have my hens (breed are Bantams) got bald patches on their heads?

by  |  earlier

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They've been sitting on their chick eggs for weeks and have developed bald patches on their heads. Does anyone know why? I'm starting to worry! Help. Thanks




  1. If you have a cockerel its most likely where the cockerel is pulling on their feathers but they could just be moulting, hens do moult this time of year, mine are looking a little tatty. Perhaps they are just losing head feathers first?

  2. My mom had this problem. You may need to seperate your boys and girls if the bald spots start to  get raw. that way the raw spots can heal. It is from where the boys are holding on to breed.

  3. Because the male keeps breeding them and when he does that he usally hangs onto their neck feathers while he on their backs.

  4. getting old

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