
Why have my tomato plants stopped producing fruits?

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There are a good number of sizable green tomatoes on each already. They're in great shape (deep green, sprawling, lots of flowers), but they have not produced any new tomatoes in a couple of weeks. I have lots and lots of flowers, but they're all wilting without producing.

Have they already produced enough and need to lose a few tomatoes before producing more? Is it too hot right now? If it's the heat, can I try to pollinate them or is that irrelevant in this weather? They're Purple Cherokee plants.


(And thanks if you answered my previous tomato plant question. Two have since turned red and have sacrificed themselves for our dinner enjoyment.)




  1. maybe too much of a nutrient ? like nitrogen or something .that would make them look very healthy  but not produce fruit  ? you can also look of  ralph snodsmiths website for some help . he has a show called the garden hotline .goodluck .

  2. If the blossoms don't set, the reason is one of 3 things:  it is too cool, it is too hot, too much nitrogen.  Tomatoes are especially picky about this.  I'm guessing it is too hot where you are this time of year.  Pollinating by hand may help because the problem is that the pollen becomes sticky and non-viable.  You will be ok once the temperatures are less extreme.  Also, the hormone sprays for blossom set do not work when the problem is high temperatures.

  3. You need to give them nutrients. I grow the same tomato and finding a fertilizer high in calcium would be a wise choice, since these plants tend to "scar" easily.

  4. Chances are you have over fertilized your plants. That will produce strong plants but no tomatoes. Stop fertilizing and see if they set fruit. There is a pollinating spray you can spray on the flowers.

    Also tomatoes need full sun -- no shade. If they are wilting, are you watering them enough?

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