
Why have my window wipers just stopped working

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Why have my window wipers just stopped working




  1. check the fuses

  2. either your wiper motor burned out or you blown a fuse.  Check your fuse box.  There should be a diagram on which fuse belongs in the circuit that your wipers are one.  Check to see if it is blown.

  3. It could be several things. It could be a blown fuse. The wiper motor might be faulty. If you turn the wipers on and you can not hear anything moving or whirring then it will be a faulty motor / electrical problem. If you can hear something moving it might be that the wiper linkage has worn and fallen off. If this happens the motor will still operate but it is not connected to anything so does not operate the wipers.

  4. ..depending on the type of vehicle you have.......the motor is grounded to the firewall where the motor is mounted...look for a strap mounted on the motor where the bolts hold the motor to the firewall.........loosen and retighten the screws.....and check  for a broken strap.   most of the newer wiper motors have a card under the plug in cover, the connections tend to get corroded.remove the plug in wires (there may be 2 )..reinstall the wires and see if the motor works.....if it is ok now, have the connections cleaned properly to prevent later problems......(wiper switch could also be the problem, but the switch is best left to PROFESSIONAL diagnosis and repalacement.)

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