
Why have our fuel prices gone through the roof? What is causing this?

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Why have our fuel prices gone through the roof? What is causing this?




  1. simply, the demand for oil. India and china two countries with over a billion in population has just broke into the global market,  they now need enormous amounts of gas.

  2. OPEC, OPEC, OPEC decides the price of oil.  OPEC is made up of the Saudi's, CHENEY, Canada, Russia and other huge oil companies.

    Oil closed Friday at an all time record high, $135.00 a barrel.

    We Americans depend far to much on importing foreign oil.

    OPEC and OPEC alone regulates oil prices and they're beyond GREEDY!  Until they come to their senses oil will go as high as $300.00 per barrel.

    We need to stop using oil.  Find and use alternative fuels.  

    And China and India have tripled the amount of cars in use.  They too, emit greenhouse gases and have NO LAWS prohibiting this.  For that fact, neither does America.

    Let me stop before I explode.  Hope my short novel answered why fuel prices have gone through the roof.

  3. Bush and Wall Street

  4. Its an election year in the U.S.

    The powers to be are raising the price of oil to influence the election for the outcome they want

  5. Oil companies realize we are developing cars that dont use oil so theyre trying to make as much money as possible before everyone startes using hydrogen cars.

  6. Its an engineered plot to weaken the USA so much that they will have to merge with the One World Government.  Once the country loses its firstworld status, the people will beg their leaders to merge the US with other countries and the lost of our sovereingy will result.  The Bible talks about this in Revelations. (10 world kingdoms,  EU, NAU, SAU, AU, East Asian Union, Astraliasia union, Russian Federation Union, Indian subcontinent union, Middle Eastern Union, and one more)

  7. SYAN is wrong!!! if it was because of china and India why did it just happen in the last year? did they just wake up? LOL no... oil was 65 dollars a barrel 1 year ago now we are about to hit 145 its a combo of the oil companies s******g us before bush leaves office, not drilling here in the US because of all the green wackos, no new refineries in the last 25 years. BUT the main reason is investors manipulating the futures market.. we need to drill here at home! china is drilling for oil 25 miles off the coast of Florida and we are not WHY? because of nut job environmentalist that want us to wear sandals and ride our bike to work!!

  8. think about it, this country has lost control of its people, the talk of resession and all that. they used to scare people with the cold war, had everyone building bomb shelters and sucheveryone had to be 100% straight foreward, inline and god & gov fearing. like Red from that 70's show, or hank hill from king of the hill. those people are what the gov needs to feel they are in control. all the crime and corruption going on today, no wonder they feel outta control. everyone depeds on gas to survive thes days, even the amish south of my town have a gas hay bailer, its horse drawn but uses gas to turn & drop the bails.  if they can break us at the bank, wear us down to where we have to depend on them again, or we become another 3rd world country or another deal like the u.s.s.r., (remember them?).  also, the part they cant control with is that oil companies have them bent over a barrel the same as all of us individually.

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