
Why have senate republicans blocked the ITC(investment tax credit) eight times in 2008?

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The ITC is essential for development of alternative fuel and energy sources. These alternatives would lessen our dependence on foreign oil and help to make America energy independent.




  1. Apparently, this was not in the oil lobbyists' best interests

  2. Considering the fact that the Democrats hold the required simple majority to get anything passed, I find it hard to believe that the Republicans can effectively block anything, let alone eight times.  I would also love to see a link, especially regarding the content of this bill.  Sounds like it provides tax credit to dreaded "big oil" lol.

  3. I'd love to see a link but the Republicans in the Senate are not in a position to stop anything that the Democrats don't want stopped..

  4. These credits are currently in place. The vote is to extend the credits that expire at the end of this year.

    Removing tax breaks fro trial lawyers and other pork may help. I'm sure this will pass by year end. The republicans are forcing a more comprehensive bill that includes more than credits for the solar power industry.

  5. Brian, you know that's not true. There are an equal numbers of Dems and Repukes in the Senate. The Repunks stop all good bills from passing or even being voted on.

    McCain has consistently opposed tax credits for alternative energy R&D. He now says he champions them, but his energy program has no funding or tax credits for the ITC.

    You can read about McCain's anti-renewable energy program here:

  6. You get an ITC if you buy a gas-guzzling SUV

  7. links please

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