
Why have so many animals gone extinct, what is the reason?

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Why have so many animals gone extinct, what is the reason?




  1. evolution

  2. global climate change is affecting their habitats. they cant adapt fast enough to the change so they die off. also evolution plays a big part, its about survival of the fittest. if the animal isn't evolved enough than it wont last long compared to a highly evolved animal that is perfectly suited to its enviormant. sometimes animals can be hunted to extinction or to near extinction.

  3. We are growing larger and faster. We need more land and food so we take over their land. Most of us are being irresponsible and not taking care the world by using things that can destroy earth and being greedy.

  4. Habitat destruction, fragmentation, non-native species, poachers, etc.

  5. there is a lot of things that iscausingg the animals to go extinct. the two main reason is that of global warming and loss of habitat. take the polar bear for example: its population isdecreasingg because of both global warming and habitat loss.  

  6. We're in the middle of a mass extinction right now.

    The world has had a five mass extinctions before this one and it's a natural process. Some species evolve and wipe out other species so different species can move into their niches.

    During this mass extinction, humans are the cause. We've polluted and destroyed countless habitats that animals need to survive. We've also hunted many species for their fur, tusks, etc. and that is a big factor as well.

    But in the past, natural catastrophes (i.e. that theoretical meteor that took out the dinosaurs), drops in sea level, global cooling (the ice ages),  global warming (caused two mass extinctions before humans came to be), or when the oceans went through anoxia (lost all of it's oxygen for a while) were all the main causes for mass extinctions.

  7. people

  8. There are many reasons that can cause a species of animals or plants to become endangered, or even extinct. First of all, the human population has exploded since the last few decades. To accommodate the oversized human population more and more lands are taken away from these animals or plants. The natural habitats are snatched away from these species, leaving them only a small portion of the land, which they once roamed freely. With the little amount of land these animals or plants have, the food source become scarce. They have to fight among themselves in order to remain alive. They also don't have enough room to live. Sometimes animals or plants don't adapt to the limited space they now have, and die.  

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