
Why have so many female pedophiles getaway with their crimes?

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Granted enforcement has changed in the recent years, but back in the 90's or so female teachers who had s*x with students quite often did not get punished.

Even today such crimes are considered less heinous if the accused is female. Why do you suppose there is such a double standard in our society?




  1. I guess people have think, either subconsciously or consciously that the male must have somehow taken advantage of the woman. And that at least a tiny bit of responsibility must go to the male. Especially as most of these cases (for both girls and boys) the child has hit puberty. Maybe some people think that awful male hormone testosterone must have made the child complicit in some way.

    However, what they fail to realise is that they are CHILDREN. They are not 18, they are in school and no matter what the age of the female (Even if she is as young as early 20's) she is in a power of authority over these MINORS, and thus should be held completely accountable.

    I know someone who was taken advantage of by his female teacher when he was 16/17, and it was completely distressing for him, and he still has issues about it. And I think it's absolutely reprehensible that some people would dismiss his experience as somehow less damaging, or less important than if the exact same thing had happened with a 16 year old girl and a 30 year old male teacher.


    Regarding the Fualaau-Letournau case - if the genders had been reversed, everyone would be saying how awful it is that a man in position of authority had brainwashed some poor young girl into thinking she loved him. Fualaau was 12 when they first had s*x - you don't think that's wrong?? Don't you think that would do some psychological damage to a child, even if that child is male?

  2. Blame this on patriarchy that will not acknowleage that women are capable of abusing a child sexually.  Also keep in mind that female abusers are far more rare then males.

  3. There are very few female pedophiles!

    The few mothers who abuse their children are not sexually abusing them for the most part.

    Sexual abuse seems to be much more male caused than female caused.

  4. The judicial system is controlled for the most part by liberal feminist judges.

        Feminist's don't care about equality and actually do everything they can to keep equality out of the justice system.

    They will try to use there man hating logic to justify it (like an adult males p***s is large and can damage the adolescent female victim), but in reality they really want to say: "boy's don't matter" and " a women should be allowed to kill or rape anyone just because she is a women".

      They lie,lie and lie some more. The sooner you accept the fact that this is a feminist society and feminism is a hate movement the easier it becomes to combat sexism,hatred and feminism.


    Ignore the hateful sexist bigoted myth that men can't be raped because getting a "woody" is a sign of consent.

    There just man hating misandric's who ignore scientific and biological medical studies in order to spread there hate.

  5. I think that, sadly, there is still an ingrained assumption that any and every man is 'gagging for it', and that whenever a boy 'gets any' he has to be happy about it. I'm not entirely sure about the history of this, but (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) this has probably been built into our society by the old stereotypes of the woman as being the more vulnerable of the sexes while the man found the role of protector and, on occasion, predator. If a woman is the one who automatically needs protection from the big, bad man, then how can she be the aggressor, how can she push him into doing something he doesn't want to? Not only that, but if the boy is aware of this, and knows that he 'should' be happy about having s*x, then how can he come forward and accuse her of rape, especially when everyone 'knows' that women can't do that?

    I'm not sure where you get your information about the number of female paedophiles escaping punishment, but I think the only way to change that would be to make it easier for the victims of any type of s*x crime to come forward, which ultimately means challenging age-old perceptions of the roles of men and women.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "less heinous", though - whenever a female who is a sexual predator is discovered, her story is often greeted with a certain level of repulsion, like a different kind of disgust that their male counterparts apparently didn't warrant (take, for example, the reaction to Myra Hindley, and the tapes that incriminated her).

  6. Considering the fact that the vast majority of pedophiles are male your claim doesn't make sense.  Evidence?

  7. Because our (in)justice system punished female criminals far less severely than male one.  Not only that, but female criminals are also more likely to get away with crimes as well.

  8. You ever heard the saying "hot for teacher?"  

  9. And you have proof that women get away with it more often?

    I don't think this is true at all. But you made the claim, prove it.

  10. If you take the Fualaau-Letournau case, he consented. Otherwise they wouldn't have had two kids...These women should be punished, but the crimes generally are "rape" in the same way a men's case of rape happens.

    You can't really rape a man if you're a woman, physical reasons I don't care to write down...Anyways, it is physically possible for a man to rape a woman, while it's *cough, cough* more difficult for a woman to rape a man.

  11. Name one example.  If it is so common, why isn't it ever in the news.  Don;t tell me it's because they are ashamed, because the alter boys that were molested by priests were ashamed, but that still made headline news. Considering that people don't think female on male molestation is very common, even one case would make the national news.  In the few cases that have made the news, the teachers were punished more than the handful of male teacher on female student abuses I have known in my lifetime that were so common, that if they did make the local papers it was not even front page news.  The men didn't even get a probated sentence.  They just lost their jobs, but went to teach elsewhere.

  12. Well, in my opinion, it's because an adult female can do less physical damage (if any) to an adolescent male than an adult male can do to an adolescent female.  Just think about the size of certain body parts, and the size of what they're going into.

    Martillo's comment is exactly what I'm talking about.  If a woman rapes an 11 year old boy, I highly doubt he'd be very happy about it, but he wouldn't be as physically and emotionally traumatized as an adult man raping an 11 year old girl.  When a boy is raped by a female, provided she doesn't stick any foreign objects up his r****m, there is not the extreme amount of pain that is associated with a girl being violated---this includes tearing, bruising, etc.

    That is why women don't get as harsh punishments as men, simply because of anatomy.  I mean seriously, which would harm you more as a parent, knowing that your little boy was raped by a woman, or knowing that your little girl was raped (essentially torn open) by a man?  Not to mention the fact that if the girl has started her period, she could get pregnant, which is another traumatizing factor that boys do not have to deal with.

  13. well if I had had s*x with one of those teachers (I mean come on have you seen them, ave 25 yrs, blond, hot) when I was 9,10,11 or whatever I would have been a very lucky boy!

  14. Not to sound to poetic, but what Milton wrote in Paradise Lost is so true for children. Any gender, boy or girl, looses that gift of innocence from the God that shields them from gruesome reality of this world, when they are abused by those they trust the most. There is a reason why puberty and sexual awareness has a defined time. They need to thrive without psychological scarring. Innocence lost can't be restored. And behavioral scientist studied many of the s*x offenders, abusing spouses and found majority were in one way or another scarred through their childhood.

    I agree with someone who wrote about potential physical abuse. But that is not an excuse. Never is. Those who say it doesn't matter are bigots and should visit only one counseling session. If they want the truth that is.

  15. rape is wrong no matter who it involves.... Women who commit these viscous crimes set a horrid example of women in general. They deserve to be punished, but in our legal system women are seen as frail and are given more breaks, equal rights on both sides of the spectrum. Weather it be in getting a job or being sentenced in a court of law.

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