
Why have so many females been indoctrinated to believe abortion is morally acceptable and justifiable?

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Why have so many females been indoctrinated to believe abortion is morally acceptable and justifiable?




  1. The only person that has the right to say what is morally acceptable jusitfiable what I choose to do to my body is me.

    Why do so many men believe that its morally acceptable and justifiable to bring an unwanted child in the world who is not cared for financially or emotionally? To me, that is sick. You can make a woman have the child but you couldn't make her care for it properly and that is what would happen if a woman was forced to keep a child she didn't want.

  2. Why should they have to have been indoctrinated? Are women not intelligent, rational, human beings, capable of reasoning for themselves and making up their own minds about what is morally acceptable, justifiable, and the best thing for them?

    Your suggestion that they would necessarily have to have been indoctrinated, is both patronising and insulting, and serves only to demonstrate how truly indoctrinated certain members of our society have become.

  3. Abortion is the result of a shortage of quality men. How many women who have had an abortion were impregnated by a 'winner' of a man? Women so often have to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to attracting and keeping a man. Naturally, since there are more male losers than winners, many women become impregnated by a loser who cannot or will not financially provide for her or her offspring. Abortion is Darwinian in its very nature. It is the equalivalent of a mother bird who pecks her defective offspring to death before tossing it out of the nest. In the same light, the human baby who is not going to be well provided for becomes a financial and physical burden on it's mother. It is the equivalent of the deformed baby bird who gets pecked to death by its mother, because the mother is aware of the burden on herself and the shorter lifespan that her defective offspring will have, she kills it. Human beings aren't so different from animals no matter how much we try to be.

  4. When a woman gets savagely raped; or there is a matter of life and death I'm all over abortion; only thing I am against is when they go out there and spread their legs; get knocked up; in the same token whine, "but I didn't mean to get knocked up." So, you ask, "weren't you using any birthcontrol?" Some will come right out and say, "I thought he was; why should I have to; if he don't want any babies floating around that's his problem not mine!"

  5. I don't necessarily agree with abortion myself, but I think it's crucial that you have the choice. Depending on the situation, abortion is okay.

  6. what's so morally acceptable and justifiable about women mutilating and killing themselves?

    ever see a woman with a coat hanger stuck in her cervix?

  7. because they abide by a different moral code than yours.

    If you want to discuss moral relativism, that's a completely different question.

  8. I guess it's people like you who write laws that say women must be told that abortion = killing the foetus. Because obviously anyone with a uterus can't be able to think for herself!

    Oh, that was sarcasm. (Look it up.)

  9. Because not everyone lives in the stone age.

  10. It's no more condemnable than you accepting the doctrines telling you the opposite.

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