
Why have so many people told me that British girls are easy and S****y?

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Is this true? I always thought they were smarter and sophisticated.




  1. You've never been to Cardiff on a Friday or Saturday night,have you! haha.

  2. That isn't true.

    In britain (like all countries) you get easy and S****y girls and then smart and sophisticated!

  3. wow

  4. Now that depends how well schooled they are common british girls on the whole lets be nice and say are liberated not use nasty words like s***s!Well educated British women can be very sophisticated.

  5. British girls are no more easy or S****y (or smarter or sophisticated) than girls in any other Western country. Sweeping generalisations reek of ignorance.

    Oh yeah and for the people who were referring to the 'Ladettes to Ladies' program, did you not grasp the fact that it's an example of social extremes rather than a demonstration of average behaviour?  

  6. well my generation definitely ain't smarter we are more easy and loose well except for me I'm like the only that can see this in my generation and they think I'm a geek and just not 'in'. we're both S****y in our own ways but america in a different way!

  7. I like my women with   full set of teeth

  8. I watch that show ladets(sp) to ladies they are how the british women act

  9. They have been watching a British TV program called Ladettes to Ladies, or something like that.  It has grossest females on it!

  10. Maybe people who told you, are themselves are ho***. So don't believe everything what you heart.

  11. really? let me guess, you only made that assumption based on some other questions/answers you've seen. you can't really say that since you lot are the ones who have Hollywood and Las Vegas - those places have more s***s than Britain has ever had.  

  12. You will find girls that fit that decription in most countries but only the people who seek their company would be able to know that.

  13. you don't have to be disrespectful towards women.

  14. Yes they are I am sorry to say, they are the biggest tramps there are.

    Give me a decent continental woman any day.

  15. smart and sophisticated? not anymore. most are unrefined and up for anything.  

  16. they're just as easy and S****y as American girls.. expect at a younger age because the drinking age in Britain is lower.

    ps-- the sophistication is only because of the accent, it sometimes can make them sound smarter than they really are

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