
Why have some Christians directly contradicted the bible and married someone of a different/no faith?

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They're married now, so there's nothing that can be done about that. But why did they in the first place get married to this person if the bible says not to? Paul was PRETTY clear, and yet they did it anyway, why?

14Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?




  1. Because no one actually gives a toss about what paul said.

  2. Well Marrying someone from a different religion dont matter know one goes by the book and the christian rules anyway i know i don't

  3. Not only that!  The last time I was in a church, I heard some FEMALES talking.  Saying words to each other.  It was quiet and respectful but still they were TALKING IN CHURCH.  


    Uppity little twits, don't you think?  Headed for the hottest part of h**l!

  4. Because they're mature adults who don't let their religious beliefs get in the way of love.

  5. Some Christians are either confused, misinformed or not as Christian as their name implies.  In any event, we are all sinners in need of God's grace, so let's be careful not to be judgmental of the actions and motives of others.  We have all totally blown it in some way.

  6. 1. The Bible contradicts itself.

    2. People who profess to follow the Bible contradict each other.

    3. Different versions of the Bible contradict each other.

    What is your point? According to some people, 'unbelievers' can mean Christians of a different denomination, let alone people of a different or no faith.

  7. This is why religious people are hypocrites. They pick and choose certain values in their scripture to live by. In my opinion, you should be in it all the way or not at all.

  8. Because they fell in love.  I doubt God minds that.

    Besides, where do you draw the line? Can a Presbyterian marry a Methodist?


    Again, P.T. thanks for proving me right!  And I tend to vote conservative.  I'm just not a mindless follower...

  9. Who is doing the judging as to which couple is unequally yoked? What a couple have in common is no one's business. Nor is what they don't have in common. People's hearts change. We are told to love, and to leave the judging to someone else.

    Why don't you ask why some Christians kill? We all break all kinds of rules that Paul talks about. Paul was talking to a different people in a different time.  I'm not a follower of Paul. I prefer to follow Christ.  

  10. 1 Corinthians 7:14

    For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified because of her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.

  11. You really just need to start a church dedicated to Paul and call it a day.

  12. peoples whole life in the 21st century doesnt revolve around faith you know. but i think some of them hope to convert there partners

  13. Because they are people. And people aren't perfect

    To quote the bumper sticker, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven"

    Why did Peter deny Christ?

    Why did David bed Bathsheba

    Why did Moses doubt God in the desert

    Why did  Abraham  doubt God's vision

    Surely these were all men of God?

  14. Hey go to the Ten Commandments and look up some of them:

    "12 Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

    13 You shall not murder.

    14 You shall not commit adultery.

    15 You shall not steal.

    16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour."


  15. I don't think I'd want to marry someone who thought the EXACT same way I did.  Sounds boring.

  16. I think that the mistakes Christians make in our lives all stems from a lack of faith, lack of trust.

    We are so quick to fail that God does have something better for us, it is hard to wait.

    We go and "take matters into our own hands".  And we can make a mess out of things, that is for sure.

  17. i am catholic and my husband is lutheran. in the beginning i did not see this as a problem. that was before we had children and were trying to decide how to raise them. i am more involved with my faith than he is with his. instead of being closed minded, he attended a class to learn more about the catholic faith. He has no plans to convert and that is fine with me.

    Two people of different faiths can live happily together as one. And just because you are are different faiths does not mean that it will lead to sin in some way. That is being closed minded and ignorant if you ask me.  

  18. The command is not for marriage.  Though the command can be applied principly to marriage.  

  19. Good question  First you have to find out if when they married, did they know what was expected.  If they did and disobeyed it, then  they can truly never know what God had in store for them.  I do believe that if you follow what God has deemed the perfect woman by His word, then you'll have a happy marriage.  I don't know the statistics, so I could be wrong.

    Just My Thoughts!

  20. Well maybe  at first they were not in any religion. Then on spouse or the other decided to go to church. Then got saved or so forth. Depending on their faith. There lays the problem. If someone didn't know Christ before they were married they wouldn't know about being unequally yoked.

    But on the other hand maybe they thought they could change the other persons mind.

  21. I would say that is their business and none of yours.

  22. I have absolutely no idea what they were thinking. It goes against Christianity.

    It's another example of the atheist Christians, many of whom are on this board. They "love God" but don't want to follow him in any way. It's just absolutely silly.

    Believers need to stick together against the sinful world around us. We don't need to be inviting that c**p into our homes!

    PS. How can one be "Christianish". What?

    Hi, I'm "pregnantish".

    Hi, I'm "male-ish"

    Hi, I'm "Irish-ish".

    Wow. What some liberals will stoop to.

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