
Why have the Democrats not brought up McCain's breaking of the UCMJ while in POW camp?

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He aided the enemy, accepted special treatment, and spoke out against his country. These are crimes in the Military. Why has this not been brought up when even McCain admits they took place?




  1. What did he Do where is your proof??  

  2. Hey wise guy.........ever heard of Jane Fonda?

  3. When you have spent over five years in a POW camp and then you can criticize.

  4. First of all I am not a McCain fan, I'm a member of the socialist party. What he did, if he did what you claim, it could be said to be  done under duress.

    Lastly this happened almost 50 years ago, half a century gone. Let it go, I respect the man for getting thru it at all, but would never vote for him.

  5. The answer to your question depends on whether you think the people who make those decisions for the Democrats are smart and decent people or not.

    If you think they are, then probably because they realize that attacking him for that would backfire immensely.

    If not, it's probably because the Democrats think that aiding the enemy, accepting special treatment, and speaking out against one's country is an admirable thing to do... why would they criticize it?

    Oh, and I guess I can accept the stretch of "aiding the enemy" and "speaking out against his country"... but can you substantiate your accusation of "accepting special treatment," please.

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