
Why have the Denver Police and the Colorado State Gov..?

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people been rehearsing Martial Law drills for the past 3 months?...Black helicopters,Ninja SWAT guys the whole works...and isnt Colorado the state that supposedly has the most of the new internment camps in one palce?...




  1. its obvious and I agree,,,We will be seeing some serious stuff happening in August,September and Feb of 09...serious stuff indeed

  2. Its all part of bushes martial law plan! they are gonna lock up anyone who doesnt swear they love the Bush! ogggaaa booggga.

  3. well,let me see...50,000 protesters expected...denver authorities have announced there will be no camping within the coty portajohns,no facilities....Id say riots are expected and they are getting ready..oh yeah..its comingf

  4. getting ready for the Democrat invasion of course..and yes,,,they have the most according to Alex Jones.....Id say we are about to learn just what the Government CAN do when it wants to

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