
Why have the Liberals avoided the tough question here in this forum?

by  |  earlier

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What part of the word 'forum' do you not understand?

Just thumb through the list of questions you will see the Liberals have avoid every tough question about their candidate. Why is that?




  1. I love this question you're not asking.

  2. well : it's because of " Elections for Democrats and these

    Liberals can Argue just Answers Politics & Government

    basically are Political Candidate's Speech law & ethics

    gets  house committee  Votes but knowing about

    People's Voice An Second Opinion if Yahoo ! News "

  3. It works 2 ways buddy.;...

  4. because they have no answers. what could they tell you? That the economy will not change the day after Obama gets elected because he doesn't have a magic wand. That the fact that they will be taxed more will put less money in their pockets and therefore will make their lives even more complicated and hard as it is today. That their tax money while supposedly going to reduce the budget deficit will go toward social programs such as free health care for the poor and the illegals or more money to help the sick and hungry across the world.

    They have no solutions and no answers just a bunch of empty folders wit ha big project name on it that they intend to fill with our money so they Can distribute it right and left.

  5. When you Repubbies get around to asking the tough questions, they'll be answered.  So far all I've seen is the whiney, finger pointing, grade school antics that is usally floating around by the tightie righties!

  6. Because if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all hahahahahahahahahahah as if really if you can't tell a good lie tell a bad one really good and if you can't do that then just answer the questions you can tell a good lie with that's the Liberal way of life

  7. Lol, you are right! They all came running to this question!

  8. they do it the liberal way, that is why.

  9. Because they are a flock of spooked sheep since they met the pitbull with lipstick.

  10. Because the toughest ones I've seen looks exactly like this.  

    And Cons have done the same thing.

  11. It's some kind of conspiracy...ask Rush, he'll tell you which one.

  12. What is the tough question and I will answer it......

  13. Because they have no answer. There only answer is to name call...

  14. Maybe it was just a dumb question not tough.  

  15. Not true!

    Next question

  16. You all avoid the real issues...this is just a ranting site.

  17. They don't understand them

  18. No, for the last time, we won't go to bed with you.  Stop asking.

  19. What's the tough question?

  20. Uh? I'm a Independent but I'm sure I can answer a tough question. So what do you need help with?

  21. Vague much?

  22. Maybe it's because your tough questions are superficial and don't really address the issues that affect most of us.  As a matter of fact, you haven't even stated what the tough question is.  But that's typical for you guys.  You have no direction.

  23. Find one.

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