
Why have the McCanns wthdrawn their request for police files?

by  |  earlier

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sorry but if it was my daughter (which i do have btw along with 3 boys)...i'd want access a.s.a.p




  1. They have drop court case,the police are letting them view the reports, get your facts right.

  2. Your question has been answered correctly by most people here . I suggest that you read them all and learn a bit.

  3. Because what the McCann's want the McCann's get and woe betide anyone who gets in their way!

  4. They haven't. They got what they needed to see... details that may help in their own search for their Madeleine.

  5. give it a rest, you pathetic obsessed person

  6. I hadn't hear that they had - where did you hear that?  Link please.

    EDIT - Thanks for the link Faith - isn't that great news in the search for Madeleine??

  7. Whilst I am not their biggest fan, I understand that they've dropped the high court case because they have been given what they were asking for...

  8. Maybe they know the police files may have incriminating evidence against the parents - after all they have to be the major suspects

  9. they should be in portugal helping the police do a reconstruction and answering questions

    not in england making money and wriggling from the truth

    why do they need clarance mitchell

  10. Because they now have access to what they want, the files they were going to court to gain access to. You have to understand that the child's a ward of court now and that means the judge decides what's in the child's best interest. The likelihood is the judge would've decided it was in her best interest to release the info held in the files. And therefore the Police will have probably dropped their opposition because they knew exactly that.

    81 pages or 881 pages makes no difference. The main files are held in Portugal and these files just conatin certain portions of that information that the Portuguese police have shared with the British police. You are so mis-informed it's unreal.

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