
Why have the global warming fanatics gone quiet?

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Could it have anything to do with the fact that the World is in fact cooling and has been for ten years.




  1. Man made climate change is very real and is very dangerous. When you consider the previous answer, the earth has not seen CO2 levels as high as they are today for at least the last 650000 years. So what you say, well feed back loops begin to kick in, permafrost melts and the organic material that has been locked in deep freeze for the last 600 millenia begins to decay releasing methane into the atmosphere which in turn is 600 times more warming that CO2, the oceans which so far have protected us from our ways by soaking up CO2 lose the ability to perform this feat at elevated temperature. The warming of the oceans results in the break down of methane clathrates, releasing vast quantities of this very potent green house gas into the atmosphere. Mankind has never faced climate change on the scale we do today and considering that as a species we very nearly went extinct in the recent evolutionary past, i'd rather err on the side of caution than find I that my generation or the one before or after had tipped the balance such that humanity is powerless to reverse the changes we have made.

  2. bingo

  3. Yes, I think that may be a big part of it.  This winter was pretty much colder than any winter in recorded history for Ohio.

  4. Bet ya we still get taxed on it ....there will be a cooling tax where we pay for the government to heat the UK to ensure we don't get cold ....Ya think I'm crazy ...well how about this

    1# microchips to see how much you pay when throwing out rubbish

    2# 70% of fuel cost is tax

    3# you pay vat to heat up your ownhouse

    4# weapons of mass destruction have never been found

    5# you earn below 25k a year and now you pay more tax

    6# you pat vat on chocolate bisciuts

    7# So airplanes are one of the biggest polutents yet we build more airports and runways

    8#not one bit of proof has been weighted towards global warming

    9# most of the uk was under water not so long ago

    10# so we have a speed limit of 70mph yet why can you buy a car in the uk that does over 100mph

  5. there is always a time before it gets cold when it will be warm first and the cold will hit

  6. Don't worry when 2008 becomes the hottest year on record there will be plenty of noise.

  7. this is just the clam before the storm

  8. People who know about Global Warming are not fanatics and have not gone quiet.  We have learned that of the whole phenomonon of Abrupt Climate Change, global warming is only one part.  We are people who want to leave a liveable world for our children, and keep one for ourselves.  See the temperature rise chart at second page listed in sources below.  Do you have any references to show your global cooling?

    "Everyone knows it--even, probably, those who continue to deny it: Climate change threatens the future of the planet. A few simple facts tell the story. Even 125,000 years ago, during the last period of significant global warming, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) were not as high as they are today. Yet sea levels were much higher, about thirteen to nineteen feet above today's levels. Much of what is now New York, London and Shanghai was under water. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change--a collection of more than 2,000 climate scientists and government representatives from around the world--has declared with virtual certainty that global warming caused by fossil fuel-based industrialization is upon us. Even if the world economy collapsed tomorrow and all CO2 emissions suddenly stopped, the earth would see several more decades of global warming because of the amount of CO2 already released. The challenge now is to stop runaway global warming: the process by which the effects of climate change "feed back" to compound the original problem in a vicious cycle that culminates in radically rising sea levels, mass drought, aquatic extinctions and social breakdown as the major cities of the world are overwhelmed by water, refugees and violence."

    "The Keeling Curve. GLOBAL WARMING: The Rise of CO2 & Warming ... If doubling of carbon dioxide produces a temperature rise of between 1.5 and 5 degrees ..."

    Nov 14, 2006 ... "Global warming causing disease to rise. Malaria, dengue fever increasing as temperature heats up, experts warn ..."

    "Scientists call the findings both surprising and "alarming'' because they suggest global warming is influencing storms now -- rather than in ..."

    "If the projected rise in sea level due to global warming occurs, then the vulnerability to tropical cyclone storm surge flooding would increase."

  9. They're probably full of "COLD"

  10. Got tired of beating a dead horse probably.  I find it somewhat disturbing that someone can, in one breath, state the obvious fact that the earth has been warmer and had higher sea levels, and follow that moments later with the assertion that we are therefore really in for a horrible time that we will have difficulty adjusting to (somehow THIS climate change will be unique and special and only bad, unlike every other climate change that has affected our beautiful but sometimes dangerous planet).

  11. They have not, they are now into Climate change instead.

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