
Why have there been numerous reports of being abducted by aliens and probed these past 60 years.

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How come there haven't been any abduction cases back in the 1800's and before? Why now? Could all these abductions mean the world is coming to an end shortly?




  1. No, Its just beginning.

    The 2012 thing has been Misinterpreted. It is when My people Finally get here En masse, and get the party started! Whoo Hoo!

    Just a few of Us "Scouts" have been here "observing" things, while waiting for the Fleet.

    The reason there weren't too many accounts from earlier times, is because it was a lot easier to Abduct some old prospector, or Mountain man, up in the toolies, without anyone else knowing about it. Man, I'm personally glad those days are over, those guys hardly ever bathed.

    It's much better now that soap is more commonly used.

  2. Who would have known?

  3. we know the cow flew round the moon,and you did not hear of it as a bother to the aliens.

  4. when the world comes to an end the moon will turn blood red... and there will be roumers of a 3rd world war so dont be afrade... the end of the world is gonna be a great thing... well at lest for Christians

  5. The reason could be there was not as much media! think about it if someone said that back than they would not be able to live it down.

  6. hillbillies with gender anxieties often blame a late night in the swamp with Cleetus on UFO aliens.

    guess it was no big thing in the 1800s... sorta a Brokeback Mtn thing.

  7. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessaloinians 2:10-13

  8. Because back then they blamed night apparitions on Demon Rum, Fairies, Incubi, Succubi, Gnomes, Wacky Tabacky, and a laundry list of other things that we would now write off as ridiculous.

    Guess what?  In the future, people will blame night apparitions on a whole new list of things.

    The world is not ending.

  9. Actually there were very legit scientists that studied this precise topic. Basically his conclusion was that all the way back through history there was some sort of creature, extra-terrestrial or lifeform interacting with humanity either in a positive or negative way.

    I actually havn't studied ANY of this guys work, but the information in the above paragraph was part of his final conclusion and I appologize for it being vague.

    Ultimately I think he traced all of these different creatures to the same source, and he believed that, with each time frame, there would be different kinds of interesting(seemingly other-worldly creatures) interacting with the humans on earth-however. Most of these creatures were coming from, essentially, the same source.

    What he believed these entities to be was not necessarily from anoter planet, but some sort of extra-dimensional entity which had the ability to SHAPE-SHIFT. These shape-shifters had the ability to shift with each time; from elves, demons, devils, angels, medusa's, "gods", fairies, horrifying other-worldy monsters, and the latest one of these forms that these creatures are taking is a reptilian ET like life-form.

  10. No, basically it's because when people experience something really strange, they ascribe it to something they expect.  In our modern times, we know that extraterrestrial beings might exist, and we imagine what they might look like or do to us.  In former times, these things were ascribed to demons.  Think about it.

    States of mind aren't so black-and-white as we tend to think.  There are lots of states of mind that are slightly skewed that we're just beginning to investigate.  Look up sleep paralysis, for instance.

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