
Why have there been so many questions about who will take care of Sarah Palin's kids, but none about Obama?

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I've seen at least a half dozen questions pop up over the last 24 hours asking who will take care of Sarah Palin's kids while she's VP. And yet no one asks who will take care of Obama's kids while he's the president. Is this an indication that we are still wrapped up in traditional gender roles? Does feminism still have a long way to go in changing societal views of men and women?




  1. Probably the most compelling reply to this question would be what will happen to her now four month old baby with Down's Syndrome?   Down's Syndrome babies have health problems from the start. Certain health problems are more common in people with Down's syndrome than in the rest of the population. These include:

        * 40-50% of babies with Down's syndrome are born with heart problems, many of which require heart surgery;

        * A significant number of people with Down's syndrome will have hearing and sight problems;

        * Thyroid disorder;

        * Poor immune system;

        * Respiratory problems, coughs and colds;

        * Obstructed gastrointestinal tract.

    The baby is about 4 months old.  The immune system of babies in general are improved by feeding breast milk for a minimum of 6 months.  This seems impossible with the heavy convention schedule.

    The second question would be related to the early intervention/education of the baby, since this improves the future learning ability of the child.... language development etc.  Parents are best at this as a team if possible.  How will all of this be balanced with a run for the VP?  What did she choose first?  What is her first responsibility?  What did she choose?  Is the child just a campaign item?    

  2. Because mother's are the primary care givers, especially to infants.  If you honestly think we have moved THAT far beyond traditional roles, where are your questions about men not getting their kids in divorce?

  3. Who the heck is Sarah Palin's?

  4. because women are nurturing and supposed to take care of kids. IF you dont do it, who will?

  5. The answer to this question seems obvious -- in a typical 2-parent household, most of the time it is still the woman that cares for the children. Some men stay home with the kids, but it seems to be a smaller percentage. Even when both parents work, I bet a much higher percentage of the women make sure the kids have their lunch packed, and drive them to school or child care, make sure they get baths, brush their teeth, etc. I think we are absolutely still wrapped up in traditional gender roles.  And it will probably stay that way until the roles change.  Roles have changed some, but let's face it, we still have a long way to go. Many women don't mind being responsible for the kids while their man works.  It depends on who you are, and what you want.  

  6. Because we all now the answer to who raises the children in a marriage between two highly ambitious professionals: a day care (or school) then a nanny, duh

    Obama supports just can't discredit her, what are they going to say she is too young and has no experience? She is as experienced as Obama. So unless they want to say she has no experience and is a woman, they will just have to stick with sexist jokes

  7. I haven't heard anything about that. Stop looking for conflict!

  8. We've already seen that Michelle Obama will handle that; she's said as much herself. But I think it was assumed that she would in any case. So, yes, we do have a ways to go in changing expectations on parents.

  9. Yes, I have noticed some questions about the topic and I doubt if feminism is really concerned about it.

    To me, it really isn't a big deal.

  10. I supported McCain but I am very disappointed and this makes me question Senator McCain and his family values.

    Sarah Palin has a 4-month old baby with down syndrome.  A baby, especially in the first year, needs the love and attention of both the mother and father.  I am a mother and I can tell you that deep and important bonds are formed by a mother and infant, especially when you hold a baby 10-15 times a day for feedings.  This is really important to a baby's development.  I would never put my career -- no matter the title or money that was offered to me -- if that meant I couldn't devote myself to my child, especially in his first year.  

  11. Go to and find your problem solution its really new people search,Its powerful search go there

  12. Obama's not breastfeeding a 4 month old baby with Down's Syndrome.

  13. I agree with you. Her husband can help and so can her teenage daughters (her son will be in Iraq). She can still be a VP and a mother.  

  14. Actually, she has been known to take her kids with her to work on occasion. I don't think she takes them all at once, but one at a time, to be able to spend some time with their mom and see what she does. I think it's great; she's teaching her kids about government and integrity and getting to spend time with them.

    I'd like to know if all the people who are so concerned about her children take care of their own kids, or do they work and send their kids off to daycare?

    Of course we're still wrapped up in traditional gender roles.... there is an order to everything, the way things are just meant to be. If Sarah can get it to work for her, and be able to spend time with her kids as well as work, more power to her. If not.... I'm sure she'll put her family first.  

  15. although i agree with most of what every other person here is saying, think about the fact that she has a child under one, while his children are both school age. society thinks that women should be the primary care givers, even though some men are more nurturing than women. best of luck to her if they do get the job, i ddon'tknow how i would be the vice president of the united states and still have a healthy  realtionship with my 5 kids... got to be tough. it is hard enough to work a full time job and still have one on one time with my one child, let alone 5 of them and im helping run the country!!!

  16. Yes, it's because Feminism has pre-defined "parenting" as a skill that only Feminists could have, paradoxically since they don't like children.

    This is likely the intention of Feminists to given them closer (unwarranted) access to to vulnerable children.

  17. I'd quit looking for a problem where there isn't one.

    were you around here when Obama entered the running? Everybody was giving him the gauntlet too.

    Palin is new to Washington, this is what people do to them.

    Feminism wont change societal views, and honestly, it has no right to.

    People are allowed to think women are inferior, as long as they dont hurt anybody. People are allowed to think that women are only good for traditional roles.

    You aren't gonna change people's views, especially not by protests, as anybody with a view your trying to change will simply take this as whining and have even less respect for you.

  18. I think it most definitely goes to show that SOME people still believe that caregiving for children is still ONLY a woman's responsibility, and the only way it can be done successfully is if the woman does not work outside of the home. I find it interesting how feminism is constantly being blamed for undervaluing fathers, yet it is typically the hardcore anti-feminist conservatives who believe that fathers are expendable, that they're only worth their sperm donations and paychecks.

    As for the claim that feminists do not have children, you do realize that some of the most outspoken feminists here, like Tracey, are mothers, right?

  19. There should be no questions about it at all. It's none of anyone's business. She's got a husband and I presume he either helps out or cares for the children. I don't understand why some people think that men are somehow inherently incapable of caring for children and that women should drop everything else in their lives and care for their children when they have them.

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