
Why have they changed the age at which you start having smear tests?

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I keep reading stories about women getting cervical cancer in their early twenties, and read that in other countries like Australia, France, USA they start giving smear tests at 18.

I cannot understand why they have changed the age to 25 as this seems quite old.

I am 21 and only ever had one sexual partner (my long-term boyfriend) and we were both virgins so does that put me at a lower risk?




  1. lower risk yeah. but it could be genetic. I had to get he tests done. Its because of the new generation coming in and sleeping with everyone with no protection that the gynocologists want to make sure no one gets this cancer- and if so they can treat it in time,

  2. It is up to yourself to protect your health, you should not need or rely on being prompted to have a smear test and should go when you are 18 if you are sexually active. I read in a magazine about a 23 year old girl who got cervical cancer and she had asked her doctors a few times for a smear and they refused! If you feel any doubt, go and get one it lasts literally 2 mins and you will wonder what all the fuss was about.  

  3. Yes, it does put you at lower risk as long as he is behaving himself.

  4. I don't know what the recommended age for pap smears in some countries is 25.  I live in the US and started getting pap smears at age 18.  I'm only 23 and on my last pap smear a couple months ago they found abnormal cells.  I'm sure glad that I didn't wait until I was 25 to get a pap smear because I probably would have had full blown cancer by then.  No matter what they recommend, all women should start having pap smears when they are 18 or when they start having s*x, whichever comes first.  Luckily, since you and your boyfriend were both virgins when you started having s*x, you are at a lower risk of developing cervical cancer.  However, you should still get a pap done ASAP!  Good luck!

  5. This issue has really made me angry! I was lucky that I started having smear tests after the birth of my first child when I was 20. I was then diagnosed with abnormal cells aged 23. I had several biopsies taken and was told i needed treatment for CIN 2 cells but once i had the treatment I was told they had actually removed CIN3 and pre-cancerous so i'd had a lucky escape! I've had Smears done every year since (I'm now 29) and still all clear. Had I not had my first smear till i was 25, i would probably be dead!

    Theoretically you should be at lower risk if you were both virgins. I was unlucky that my ex-husband had left me with HPV.

    I strongly believe everyone should have smear tests as soon as they become sexually active! Anyone can have HPV and not know and they don't even realise they've passed it on. Its far better to be safe than sorry!

    Plead with your doctor if you have to but get a smear test!!!!  

  6. you get them once you start having s*x. if you have s*x at 12, thats when you start doing the tests. whatever age you become sexually active.. or if you dont have s*x, you should get them anyways once youre in your 20's... you should definately be getting them since youre sexually active and an adult. :\

  7. I had pre-cancerous cells (that required treatment) when I was 21. I am not sure why we have such a high age limit. It's madness. I can only presume that it saves the cash strapped NHS money in some way!

  8. insurance..... blame it on that.  

    i should have had a surgery done 4 yr ago, but insurance said i had to do it in steps.. so now, i am having the surgery.  

    anyone is at risk for cancer regardless if you have had s*x or not... there are young girls that have cervical cancer and are less than 16 yrs old.  It is a genetic gene that causes it most of the time.

    If you are concerned, the doctor can write the test to be due to complications, this is a necessary test, and maybe your insurance will pay it.

    Just remember, It is all in the INSURANCE policy.

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