
Why have they done this to this nursery rhyme?

by  |  earlier

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There is a nursery rhyme called Ba ba black sheep. They have now took the word black out and sing ba ba sheep, have you any wool. The only reason I know they have done this is because someone donated some second hand children's tapes to the children's farm where I work and one wet afternoon when all the animal jobs where done and it was half an hour away from closing time and no visitors was on the farm we sat in the staffroom and listened to the tapes before putting the animals away.




  1. They probably took out the word black for fear of 'offending' black people.  It's silly.  I doubt black people would be offended any more than white people would be offended by the words white sheep.

  2. I can only guess that it may have something to do with the word "black" as they may not want to sound racist. Nowadays, people do seem more 'sensitive' to name-calling although in this case, it's only a very old nursery rhyme referring to sheeps.

    My guess.


  3. They've made it politically correct (and ruined it).

  4. This is yet another case of political correctness going into freefall. I am fairly sure that there would be few, if any, coloured people who would be offended by a nursery rhyme. One wonders where it will all end, will the song "Black Hills of Dakota" be banned soon in case it offends, and on the same subject, what about "White" Christmas, or is that not racist enough.?

  5. i dont think it is a good thing they took out this word i belive that it was taken out because of the people with that skin colour black ... i think people belive it as racist however i dont ... it is like the same thing with the black bord no it is called white bord ..

    i think this is stupid.. people are not being racist it is just that is the colour of it ...

    i hope i hjave helped and that i have not offended anyone :)


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