
Why have we not had a general strike against all these taxes and price rises?

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Why have we not had a general strike against all these taxes and price rises?




  1. Don't know, but I'm game for that!!!! All i seem to hear these days is people complain about the price of everything, me included!!!!

  2. apathy

    i can't go on the demo today big brother is on TV and i need o see what strangers are doing whilst locked in a house

  3. Look at history. British trade unions are not into revolution, despite what some on the right of the political spectrum may think.

    In 1926 the TUC General Council couldn't get their members back to work fast enough.

    While you can get trade union members to strike for more pay and better working conditions striking for anything remotely political is one of the great taboos of the British labour movement.

    Getting people to strike even at the best of times is not easy. If you don't believe me try organising one yourself.

  4. Strikes don't work, believe me, they simply impoverish even more people.

    Whilst I hate to be fair to this Government, lol, I really don't think that the present price rises are entirely their fault.  What is their fault is their failure to alleviate people's financial hardship by reducing the present crippling tax burden.

    There are areas of the public sector which could

    be swept away without anyone noticing, for example Quangos which seem to contribute little but cost vast sums of money not to mention daft jobs like 't a day coordinators' and the like.

    Now that Brown has ratified the Lisbon Treaty behind our backs, we could remove half our MPs with no problem;  there will not be enough for them to do to justify their seats and huge salaries.

    Elf' n Safety, a good number of hospital 'administrators', swollen local Councils etc.  I'm sure other people can think of a good few too!

  5. Strike action never solved anything.

  6. Because Thatcher made illegal to do so, and Blatcher kept the Thatcher anti-union laws in place.

    Apart from which - it's quite difficult to strike against price increases - unless the strike were directed against a government that has done sod all to minimise their impact on most people.

    Direct action against this government - which has most certainly done sod all, and doesn't care about the non-millionaire majority of us - sounds a very good idea!

  7. Because "they" know it wont last long.  There are some things that we just gotta matter the costs.

  8. Who are you going to strike against?   Or are you just looking for a good excuse to riot and destroy other peoples property?   Demand fewer perks and some accountability from your government and use less food and fuel.

  9. I think that people could do a strike, but as stated above me, it would not last long. It would take alot of people striking and doing it for a long time before the world would see any results. How long did Martin Luther King Jr's bus strike have to go on before they saw results? Multiply that by about 100 and that's how much time we would have to spend today to see any results. I don't think the world is ready to make that sacrifice so we just keep paying the piper.

  10. Taxation in UK is about average for a developed country.

    It's not so long ago that income tax was 33p in the pound, now it's only 20p.  The shortfall has to be made up by raising taxes in other ways.

  11. Because with a general strike everybody loses. It's bad for the economy. It's bad for the individual and it will only serve to increase inflation which will inevitably hurt us all.

  12. Because we're British.

    We'll take loads more financial punishment before one day standing up and saying "No".

    Isn't it nice of brown to give £45,000,000 ot Taxpayers money to zimbabwe.

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