Its no secret that White male/Asian female pairings are very popular, in fact its the largest interracial coupling in America behind only white males/Latin females. My question is why is it so popular, I mean the population of Asian women in America is so small yet they are able to make up the 2nd biggest interracial grouping in America with white men tells me that they are actively seeking each other and not just finding each other. I mean its America both White men and Asian women have plenty of mate choices from people of all races yet choose each other, why is that? And why are they so successful? The divorce rate is low, they have the highest maximum earning potential of any other pairing, and they always seem happy.
Here are some different theories I heard
-Asian women treat men better
-Asian women don't get fat and they age better
-Asian women are tighter so the s*x is much better
-Asian women and white men are both successful and success breeds happiness
-White men give Asian women more freedom
-White men are less chauvinistic
-White men are taller and more masculine