
Why haven't I heard of Sarah Palin before??

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I love the way she speaks, so honest.




  1. Because on the political landscape, she's a blade of grass.

  2. Because Alaska is not the state much talked about in election or ever talked.  

  3. I have no idea - I never heard of her either - I guess McSame is going for the Eskimo vote!!

    Bad move on his part - talk about a person lacking experience and hypocritical!

  4. Probably because you don't live in Alaska.  

    Yes, she seems pretty impressive at first glance... I have a feeling that we'll get to know plenty about her over the next 13 weeks.

  5. Because she hasn't done anything but be mayor and on the PTA. Do you want THAT as our back-up to president? s***w that--just elect ME! I've been on the student association----that should qualify (lol).

  6. yeah okay thank god for freedom of opinion lol i don't get how you can join up with some one who is not well known and is going threw problems now with her divorce and custody battle wow what a republican sad sad maybe not knowing is better after all she will be in the eye for awhile now we all will know her more than we want CNN reporting it..

  7. she is a true political nightmare for the democrats.she is just like one of washington c**p with this one.and has one h**l of a record on change.

  8. Because she is not a liberal/dem. The media does not talk about women that are conservative. Let me rephrase that, the media does not talk about conservatives. Which they should have considering what I have heard she has accomplished in Alaska. This woman is a take charge, "walk the walk", ethical, leader. We need more Sarah Palin's in this world.

  9. I'm not impressed. You have the old war monger who has backed Bush for 8 years and then he gets a former runner up in the Miss Alaska pagent with hardly any experience.  What a desperate desperate move for the republicans and you guys are going to be sorry he chose her. I'm just LOL today because this was so dumb of John McCain. That right there should show you his lack of judgement.  

  10. Me too. And she doesn't even need a teleprompter. How refreshing.  

  11. But she is now a huge liability to Mccain as she lacks experience, just as Obama does (according to Mccain)

  12. Her name was pulled -out of the magic Republican hat... they should have threw it right back in.  Why not Romney or Ridge?

    The Devil YOU know is Better than the Devil YOU don't know!

  13. Probably the same reason no one ever heard of Obama

    McCain in 08 who made an excellent choice with Gov Palin, our next President and Vice President of our great nation  

  14. I guess most of us missed it, but apparently the Republican't talking point is that she's the most popular governor in the country. Who knew???

  15. well she's from Alaska, I didn't even know who she was when I first heard about her, I like her too.  

  16. Why haven't you heard of Sarah Palin before? If I brought out a map of the 50 states how many governors could you name off the top of your head? Probably less than 5, that is why.

    I know the governor of Florida, Louisiana, California, New York, Minnesota, Alaska, and my home state Michigan. Do I get a cookie?

  17. Probably because you don't live in Alaska?  

    gkltdd & Spritzz - your ignorance is much?  Palin is a powerhouse and has cleaned up politics in Alaska in the short time she's been governor (did you hear that Spritzz?..."governor" ).  She's made it possible, by instigating a tax on oil profits, to provide each and every Alaskan citizen $1200 in profits directly returned to them.  Spin that will be fun listening to you stutter about it!  lol

    Kiss me with words - she has more executive experience than Obama and she has accomplished way more than Obama while serving the citizens of Alaska.  No contest...Obama will soon be down for the count.

    ToU2 - you really shouldn't talk about things you have no knowledge of.  Our economy is on the rise...try listening instead of talking just might learn something.

    The Realm - once again, you are a perfect example of an Obamabot gone wild.  No knowledge of what you are talking about.  If you have the guts, compare Obama's "experience" with Palin's experience.  You might not want to do this on a full stomach though...if you don't take my advice, at least be close to a

  18. She's actually been talked about among some conservative bloggers for quite a while now as a potential VP choice.  I first heard about her back in the early Spring of this year and did an internet search on her at that time.  I was very impressed with what I read about her and was really hoping McCain would choose her, but thought she had dropped off the radar of possible picks since I had not heard much more about her recently.  I was very pleasantly surprised and excited when I found out that McCain had tapped her as his running mate.

  19. She has been gov. of Alaska for only 1.5 years if I'm not mistaken.  Oh and not to mention heck McCain only met her once.

  20. Why haven't I heard of Obama before he ran for President? Wait, I know!!! He was too busy filming rap videos.

  21. The Republicans going to crumble her up, chew her and spit her out like they did with our economy.  

    Before you know it, she's going to run back home like all of the Bush cabinet did.

  22. You never heard of her because she hasn't been involved in 50 million scandals, she has been in Alaska kicking butt and taking names. lol. I think she will be a great asset to the white house.  

  23. She is not a Washington insider.

  24. You can throw out the experience argument against Obama now.  Big mistake.

  25. Because you don't live in Alaska.  LOL, but this is good, isn't it?

    How exciting!!!

    As I understand, she has taken on the corrupt Republicans in Alaska and won ! That experience could be VERY valuable in Washington, DC. It certainly must be the reason she was chosen. She is not just a rule follower. She will make changes within the system. Good choice.

    OH... and... what we want this election year is somebody who is sick of how things are, and want them to be different. That's mainly what Obama has going for him. So, now McCain has that, too. It's too exciting. This is going to be a fun election year.

    OH... and... shut up about the s******g for goodness sake.

    She is a family woman, a mother of 4 who knew her baby had Down's Syndrome and chose to have the baby anyway.

    Pro-Life to the MAX.  Hurray for her.

  26. And now everybody on this planet within walking distance of a television has heard of her.  

  27. You must not be a political junkie.

    I love the way she speaks too, very genuine.

  28. Probably because she is from Alaska.  I wonder how many people are running to their atlas to figure out where Alaska is and if that is in the US.

    EDIT:  Spiritzzz - What has Obama done?  She is the governor of a state.  Obama has campaigned.

    Chae:  You already have the story wrong.  She is happily married for many years.  The issue is her sister's divorce and the guy was a cop who tazered his son, was drunk in his squad car, and threatened to kill her father.  The guy was scum and shouldn't have been a cop so she was right in wanting him fired.

  29. This is my question exactly and someone got all over my *** for not knowing about her beforehand. Sorry I dont keep up on the politics of ALASKA

  30. Probably because she has very little experience.

    Less than two years as Alaska's governor.

  31. You are not alone.....Sarah who???

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