
Why haven't MLB pitchers lobbied baseball to expand the Strike Zone?

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since baseball is setup to help the hitters so much. How about to get the high strike called again.




  1. The question should really be "why isn't MLB doing something about the fact that most umpires do not call strikes according to the rulebook?" I don't know when the strike zone become subject to the wims of whoever happens to be behind the plate, but I think they need to be told to call the zone as it is defined in the rulebook, or they need to get umpires that do. (Same thing for umpires who have decided that a pitch 6 inches outside is also a strike provided the catcher sets up out there.)

  2. Well, the thing is, baseball is helping hitters on both teams. It's even enough.

  3. Baseball tried to get umpires to start calling high strikes a couple of years ago, but this effort basically stalled when umpires refused to call the strike at the letters.  The actual strike zone is from the hollow of the knees to the letters, but in actuallity it is the belt buckle to the knees.  

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