
Why haven't american phsycologists have been able to accept evolutionary phsycology as of yet.?

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I have never received any relief from traditional frueudian methods.I think the social 'sciences' need to become a natural science,as in a sub-set of biology.




  1. Very true, but you have vested interests who think otherwise and sell their BS well. As an evolutionary biologist I, unlike E. O. Wilson, think these incoherent social science disciplines need to be reduced into biology. They are well ensconced in policy making in this countries bureaucracy; a little to well ensconced.

    Go over to Gender and Women's Studies and peruse the incoherence there for a while if you think anthropology and psychology are in a bad way.

    Things will change as the truth is seen to have value over ideology. Science will advance in there areas also; while that which is ideologically based will of necessity fade.

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