
Why haven't any psychics/paranormal power holders won Randi's million dollar offer?

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0 LIKES UnLike offers $1 million to an individual who can demonstrate, in a controlled setting, that they have "super" powers. You even get to say what power you have, agree on a protocol, etc.

The offer has been out there for years.




  1. Because these wonderful kind people. Will not lower themselves to Randi's level.They don't do this for money.It's for the good of the human race.Any money from books and readings etc.I'm sure these are donated to charity.Why they don't scoop up Randi's cabbage and donate that to charity.Well, I don't know but I'll bet their reasons are pure and unselfish.

  2. Well it's simple, good psychics aren't going to win it because they are fake.

    Amateur psychics aren't going to win it because they are self-deluded, and not psychic at all.

    Although I can't prove it, I would put my money on psychic powers being non-existent all together.

  3. Most of them don't bother to even look into the Randi Challenge.  They think he's just some killjoy debunker who's in it for the money and publicity.  Those true believers who bother to acknoledge Randi say it's a fixed race that can't ever be won.  In other words, it comes down to ignorance or denial.

  4. Howdy Bill,

    I have been baiting these people for ages. Unlike TR, I can no longer be nice and I therefore call the cards as I see them. They are idiots.

    While I do not have the funds Mr. Randi has, I will award $1000.00 to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal powers in a controlled setting. I think my money is safe.

  5. Well Bill, you already know that answer.  It's because no one has these abilities.  They are comical (and should be criminal) farces people pull on the weak minded for their money.  The only power these people possess is the ability to implant persuasive suggestions into susceptible minded people.  You know them, they are the ones that go to the shops to see them.  Those going even in fun or to disprove them fall prey to this "power" because deep in their mind they hope it could be true.

    The one I get a big kick out of is the one that always is on Montel Williams and to think he helps perpetrate this crime.

    Then there was that Jamaican lady (not a true Jamaican either) who got busted for tax evasion.  I'd of thought she would have sen that coming  lol.

  6. Bill, have you been to the messageboard where all the applications and back-and-forth dialogue have taken place? It's absolutely hilarious how the woo-woos fall apart when tight controls are proposed, even when the woo-woos can design their own protocols. Very few of them were reasonable enough to settle on a mutually agreed upon protocol let alone go through to preliminary testing. And all those who did the preliminary testing failed. Nobody was ever asked to be 100% successful either, and still nothing.

    Why haven't any of these psychics passed a test of their abilities? Well, you know the answer to that as well as I do :)

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