
Why haven't the Philadelphia Eagles won a Superbowl?

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Dallas has 5...what's the deal?




  1. Because theyre a disgrace to the NFC EAST..the deal is... Dallas has more talent... great players.. awesome coaches and the best fans ever :)♥

    And the Eagles... they let their personal problems interfere with the game.. AND Mcnabb is always gettin hurt... if he gets a papercut hes out for the season...

  2. No players,

    No coaching,

    No HEART...

  3. Eagles will win the Superbowl soon. They have a good team they have just been hurt with injuries the past couple of years. If McNabb stays healthy they will have a very good chance especially with Westbrook.  

  4. ya maybe if mcnabb didn't fold under the pressure, they'd have one

  5. It is simple math...

    Eagles=2 NFC Championships, 2 Superbowl Appearances, 0 Superbowl wins

    Cowboys=8 NFC Championships, 8 Superbowl Appearances, 5 Superbowl wins

  6. Why havent the cowboys won a playoff game in like 10 years?

    EDIT* Okay fine, then why havent the cowboys gone to the superbowl since 1996? happy?

  7. The Eagles happened to play in the toughest division of the NFL,the Cowboys,Giants and Redskins have more Super Bowl rings than any other division.

  8. Becuase the Patriots cheated to beat us a couple years back... and all you cowboys fan STFU! You just mad you haven't won a playoff game or SB in a long @ss time.... you guys are spoiled so im glad Romo dropped that snap and F'ed last year becuase now you feel what real fans go through...F'ing Primadonas

    EDIT: im sorry I got carried away... and people say its because the Eagles play in the toughest division in football but that hasn't stopped the Cowboys, Giants, or Redskins (and im an Eagles fan but I decided to give and unbiased answer... sorry about the language, and I mean no disrespect Cowboys fans....the only reason I don't like da cowbous is cux they always beat us... but I do respect the cowboys success


  10. The Souls are better than they are

  11. Well at least the cowboys knows how to win a Superbowl un like the eagles.

    Eagles suck

  12. Yep you have 5, and after Romo retires you will be saying the same thing.

  13. The cowboys have lost more Superbowl's then the Eagles

  14. The Eagles suck.

  15. The same reason why the Dallas Cowpies haven't won a playoff game since all the junkies on their team retired, got arrested, and/or went to rehab.  They're both a team full of playoff choke artists.  Cowboys fans have no right to diss Eagles fans. What's your trump card? Tear-rell Owens? He got the Eagles to the Super Bowl on one leg and can't get the Cowboys to the second round without a bye on two good legs.  Wonder who he's gonna cry about this season. Probably Pacman..oops I mean Adam Jones. When he screws up and starts making it rain again, guess he's gonna be like "That's my cornerback" while he cries crocodile tears. Or when Tank Johnson starts discharging one of his many firearms again, he'll go "Thats my nose tackle" while he weeps like a 5 year old girl.  I guess the Cowpukes signing all the criminals is a lame attempt to recapture the "How 'Bout 'Dem Cowboys" glory days. Remember Jerry, it was junkies that helped you win, not attempted murderers.  

    That's what is so great about football, it's a great way to channel your aggression and hatred towards rivals of your favorite team.


  16. they only won 2 NFC Championships 1980, and 2004. they lost against the Raiders Super Bowl XV and lost against the Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX

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