
Why haven't the anit-American, war protesters demonstrated against the Russian invasion of Georgia?

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Could it be that they are simply pro-communist/Russian who hate the United States? Do you think we should send them to Russia, the land that they love?




  1. So if you protest a war you are anti-American? Gee I thought that protesting was the most pro-American thing you could do, I hought that was the right that America fought for since the beginning. I guess I was wrong.

    Anyway, it was Georgia who started by invading Russia. Russia is just defending itsel. Read the news. People forget that when this story first hit it was Georgia who was invading Russia. When Russia responded with their obviously greater might, then the Georgians started crying. They got what they were asking for.

  2. In a nutshell.

    1) Georgia ATTACKED South Ossetia first killing Russian peacekeepers that were in the region, then starts to bomb Tskhinvali. Keep in mind - that is done at night. Georgian troops level the city almost to the ground, kill about 1600 civilians, and drive the rest out of town.

    2) Russia steps in a day later to prevent the further genocide of Ossetians.

    3) Georgian president screams bloody murder and tells everybody how Russia just invaded his country for no good reason.

    4) Russia defeats Georgia, destroys their weapons and heads home...

  3. OK, there seems to be two questions here:

    1) Why are there no anti-American protesters?  Because they are Russians, not Americans.

    2) Who invaded who?  Georgia invaded an autonomous region within its internationally recognized borders.  The Russians went into these regions to help the locals defend against the Georgians.  IT is a valid question to ask if Russia went into Georgia, but it's a complicated answer.  But Georgia certainly didn't invade Russia.  That's just stupid.

  4. Have you?, if you think its wrong go pressure your congressman, organise marches and demonstrations. what are you waiting for?.

    You some kind of pinko liberal or what?.

  5. I agree with you I think there is a bias against America (I never thought I would say that.) I have heard people blame America for what is going on in Georgia for being a warmonger. This is completely the opposite. Saakashivilli attacked S.Ossetia after a few incursions by the S.Ossetians. He was just stupid enough to take the bait thinking that Americans would stand behind him. The Russians just happened to have a large force sitting there ready to  liberate the Ossetians  and then invade the rest of Georgia. Notice that for once America had restraint and are actually talking about sanctions.

    EDIT: I think he is trying to make a point about why these so called anti-war protesters aren't protesting against Russia. I think it is because US soldiers aren't going to war so it doesn't seem as close to American citizens, so they don't feel upset enough to protest.

  6. Why would anti-Americans protest against Russia ! They protest against america ! Protesters would be anti-Russian, think about it !

  7. Invasions and occupation of small countries should be opposed. If you oppose the invasion of Georgia by Russia but accept the occupation of Iraq by the US, aren't you just the mirror image of the haters you denigrate?

  8. Apparently some of them actually think Russia's invasion of Georgia is justified. Why do I say invasion? Well because the conflict was supposed to be about Ossetia but you got Russian tanks rollin into the Georgian heartland hundreds of miles away from Ossetia.

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