
Why haven't these Democrats been ripping Pres Bush for the past 8 years like they are now?

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The democrats have had nearly 7 years and should have been ripping Bush apart and tearing him out of the White House over the past 4-6 years. This week at the DNC in Denver, Colorado, everyone is ripping Bush as a way to prevent McCain from taking his place. I definitely AGREE with the democrats. I sorely want Obama to be elected President. But why has this country waited until only 70 days remain until Bush is gone? Why has everyone waited so long? Why have our voices gone unheard and ignored until someone wants to be elected President? Why has NO action been taken to remove Bush from office? This isn't a democrat vs. republican plea. It doesn't matter which party is responsible for the mess this country is in. What matters is that there is no way in America to get these bums out of office until they retire or someone else gets elected to their position. If you or I s***w up at work, we get fired. There is no reason that shouldn't apply to anyone (republican or democrat or independent) who is in office.




  1. It was anti-patriotic to speak out against Bush ,It was anti-american not to vote for him or his fabricated lies,and people are afraid as was congress.

  2. Well good point BUT Republicans, their families, and followers are a very OPPRESSIVE regime. That only leaves the most extreme liberals (minority) to speak out.  

  3. Have you been asleep? They have bashed

    Bush for 8 years now and tried to get him

    impeached, but alas, theres been no impeach-

    able offense (as there was when Clinton lied

    to the Grand Jury).

  4. Are you serious?  The left, and many on the right, has been critical of Bush and his policies for years.

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