
Why havenot any terrorists treid to blow up any major oil feild or refinery?

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do they suspect that we may drown in our own thirst for the dirty stuff




  1. Tight security?  I'm afraid that is not the case.  I am in Oklahoma, and I could walk up to any major oil well I wanted on a Sunday and find no security.  Pumpers only come by on weekdays and some Saturdays, and they are only there long enough to take readings on the well.

    Refineries are not known for their security, either.  The reason one hasn't been blown up is that the Bush administration has rounded up most of the terrorists in the US.  Also, when Muslim extremists come to America thinking they will blow something up, they learn that they have been lied to their entire lives, and most of them love it here.

  2. hahah joseph c is full of ****.

  3. Who says that haven't tried.  Success is another story.

  4. maybe they have a vested interest

  5. Because they're waiting for their friend (we all know who) to get in there.

    Check out the bottom entry on this page:

  6. It's difficult for them to do that, because of tight security.

  7. A.) Security

    B.) I doubt it would help their popularity to completely s***w their country's economy

  8. security is extremely tight in those places, and for all we no they may of tried but yet failed =D i hate terrorists.

  9. You're not dealing with something like a building or a car.  An oilfield is up to hundreds of square miles, and refinery is usually around 10 square miles.  So where do you, Ahmed the terrorist, with 5 pounds of C4, hit?

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