
Why havent george bush and tony blair been hanged for the crimes which involved..........?

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"the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, and assurances" ?





  2. Because the republicans have all the money to buy the rope.

    Figuratively speaking, of course!


  3. because Blair and Bush didn't blow up the twin towers in an act of declaring war Britain owed a huge debt to America that still stands today from the second world war so we signed the Geneva convention that stated if America or indeed any of the Allies needed our help in times of conflict or war Britain would honour our agreement so when Bush called in the NATO forces who are a part of the Geneva convention to arms we dutifully fulfilled our part the war crimes what about the Innocent American civilians who were killed in the nine eleven attacks was that not a war crime or is that OK with you to kill many innocent civilians on a cold whim or suicide bomb the a55 out of innocent people on some f-cked up moral/ religious stance if so you really need help and should contact a good shrink some times you just can't turn the other cheek

  4. Because not submitting to the liberal hive mind is not a crime.

  5. If it is even remotely possible but I don't think so.

  6. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... None of that BS can be proven with solid facts I h8 to Say it but Bush did a d**n good job with how he reacted to 9/11!!

  7. The death penalty is a sign of uncivilised society.

  8. Because its inhumane to hang people  

  9. they should at least be tried involvement in 9/11 and 7/7 both were a pack of lies.  

  10. what would you do if your country was bombed and thousands of your fellow citizens died as a result, sit there and tell them "cant we all get along" and beg for peace at the same time and as far as iraq is concerned Saddam started this war by raiding his next door neighbour and in the process killed and tortured his own citizens along with Kuwait's citizens, united states just wants peace and stability so it can continue making money. Its not just in the best interest for the united states everybody benefits when the oil market is stable and safe

  11. Do you know the saying of La Fontaine: "La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleur". It means the reason of the mightiest is always right.

    I believe you meant to say why they were not condemned and not hanged. But who is going to condemn them? The Europeans who were against the war followed them for monetary reasons. Ruling and governing with ethics and principles has become an old story. (Out of mode).

  12. because there is only one of you around

  13. Silly talk

  14. Thou shalt not kill.

  15. George Bush and Tony Blair are democratic leaders accountable to the People of USA and UK.The wars that fought was authorised by the US congress and UK parliament.Firstly Saddam invaded Kuwait  and that was brought the USA into the Gulf in  the 1st place.Secondly Bush had to go into Afghanistan after 9-11 .He had no choice.Actually Clinton should have gone after Laden after USS cole and Embassy bombing in Kenya and Tanzania.He failed do so.

    Sadly Iraq is the only Arab country along with Lebanon to have elections where the Ruler Alawi was removed in a peaceful election .

    Now Whether Democracy in Iraq will succeed will be known after a decade like US imposed constitution on Japan .Whether it succeeds or fails will known after a over 10 years.

    Similarly US are rebuilding Afghanistan after over 25 years of civil War.History will see them differently but the results will be known after a decade or so.

    Further despite invading Bush Won in 2004 and Blair won in 2005 .But the people do support them despite the War in Iraq.

  16. Who's gonna do that then??,What country is going to invade America to arrest G.W and hang him.

    The world doesnt work that way,who's gonna even suggest that George Bush face trial for war crimes.

    We all know the Iraq war was unjustified,they all say it was over oil but I don't believe that.

    I personally think it's down to the fact that all his life he's lived under his father's shadow,his college had trophies his father won when he captained the team,he was a war hero,total sucsess while GW was a **** up and an alcoholic,he never once did anything to compare to his father then.....

    His father had one big failure - in 1991,not finishing what he started it Iraq,encouraging an uprising,pledging support then walking away..Here was his big chance at last...he could suceed where 'daddy Bush' failed.

    That is my own personal belief about Iraq,,Afghanistan we can understand,the Twin Towers,there was no way they could let that go,,I'm no lover of the U.S but their response was,for them at least,considered and measured but Iraq has nothing to do with that.Osama Bin Laden despised Hussain  - here was a secular Muslim country,that was next to treachery for a rabid Muslim like him.

    The U.S is still the most powerful country and it'll be a long time yet before anyone will stand a chance of going toe to toe with them so they can push the rules to suit themselves.

    As for Blair,is a lap dog really responsible for trailing after it's master ??

  17. Because bed wetting libs only talk, never actually do.

  18. The ICC cannot extradite criminals from the USA - that's why TB has done a runner there.


  19. Becuz they get away scaring peole into buying that toothpaste, water etc cant go on board in a sealed bottle and now you have to buy everything, its only about hte rich, we will be left with a few kings and the rest of the world workers will be peasants and wanna be's  sit and point their finger at the wrong people and refuse to beleive the truth.  Disgrace a world disgrace, its why the other counties like Obama. NOt a greed and  war /fear monger

  20. because your an idiot

  21. I've just been glancing through the replies so far and in the normal course of events I wouldn't bother to answer this, since I think it is meant to be rhetorical, but given the rather aggressive replies by the very sensitive American right wingers to the question I felt compelled to point out a couple of things which they conveniently ignore.   Number one being the fact that Bush has been avoiding impeachment proceedings in the states for a few years now only because it has been accepted by all concerned that no good would come of blackening the office of the president during this crisis.  

    Number two, is that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that has been pretty much accepted by all, it was about oil pure and simple, the lines have been conveniently blurred by the white house to tie together al quaeda, war on terror, and the invasion of Iraq so that all these events are seen by the general public as being one and the same, so yes I think that Bush and Bliar do have blood on their hands but as heads of state, or in Bliars case former PM and leader of the government of the UK, they get plaudits not prison.

  22. Seems to me that bias is a worse crime  , i see no complaint against Russian , Iranian  , El Quada, Syrian, Hamaze, Aggression and murder of innocents also breaking ever rule of humanity . Lopsided views have never impressed me . Aggression murder terrorism breaking of rules are wrong whichever society promotes them to further its own ends . The way your question reads only the west is guilty of such crimes . Yes bias is a much worse crime that we in the west are guilty of , the east never has that problem.  

  23. You're full of it.  You never wanted Saddam to pay for any of his crimes.  You're just a transparent anti-American hatemonger.

  24. If Tony Blair and Bush were to be charged under International Law, and convicted, their trial would be in the Hague...and there'd be no death penalty.

  25. See America waged war against terrorism after suffering in the hands of terrorists through the 9/11 blasts at the twin tower, what is more appealing that President George Bush has done the right thing. Congrats to him.In the same way congrats to tony blair.

  26. American has been built on what is right globally that is why we are so powerful, your the liberal nut who needs to get out of this country if you don't the way things are!! You have the freedom of speech to say what you want because wars have been fought to allow you that right!!!  

  27. if you would have read anything or kept up with the United Nations at all - you would clearly understand and would not be asking this question.

  28. Why don't you just hush

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