
Why havent teachers got the respect of there classes anymore??

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Teachers seem to have no control over there pupils anymore. You get the odd one or two teachers who everyone loves and works for, and then theres the "dos" teachers and everyone just messes about.. Do the teachers take all the kids nasty comments to heart? or do they understand there just silly children?




  1. If a teacher mysteriously leaves after a bad lesson, then they will probably take it seriously. But with the respect question, it is a lot harder to teach these days. You have to balance everything you do, think about every eventuality, organise, plan, teach, etc. There are few teachers that can do all this, get respect and are able to discipline as well.

  2. From my point of view, there are several reasons for the lack of respect in the classroom today.  I have taught for 30 years.  Societal standards have changed.  Respect for any sort of authority is rare.  Parents often undermine the teachers authority.  Administrators do not always support the classroom teacher.  Finally, many teachers are afraid or unable to create an classroom environment that fosters respect.  I rarely take a student's comment seriously, whether it is good or bad.  I consider if it has any merit and then either learn from it or forget it.  I have a personal standard and that is what governs my performance in the classroom.

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