
Why havn't i been losing weight

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Ok, I am 6'2 250, so its ovious that I need to lose weight. And I have been on a strict plan for about a month. This is what I do. First of all, I only drink water, and I eat less than 800 calories a day. So with that kind of diet, i should be losing weight right there. But to add on to that, I exercise for one hour a day, including 30 minutes of tae-bo. So why in the heck am I not losing weight. I literally have not lost or gained one pound. I'm 19 by the way. I would just like a little info on this, thanks




  1. could be that you are just building muscle mass.  And muscle weighs more than fat.  

  2. Your doing all the right things EXCEPT.. you are starving your body and it is slowing down your metabolism. So, eat more natural raw foods. More often. I lost 80 pounds. What I did, was eat only 1 cup of food every hr.

    Plus I drank fluid in-between (no juices, too much sugar). Watch the salad dressings (they add lots of cal.) eat protein and no fast foods!

    Good luck to you, I know you CAN do it!

    If you need help, go to:  

  3. focus more in cardio, as running running water water cardio cardio,,, if u dont sweat you aint doing it right! make sure ur shirt is wet of sweat!!!! and eat whatever u want, and stop worrying about your weight that much, if u work out alot and eat alot, u actually burn more calories because your metabolisim jumps to a higher level and burns burns burns!!!!!!

  4. keep going, maybe see a doctor

    just remember that it takes time for your body to get used to burning fat so you have to be patient

  5. because you are not eating the right foods, eat veggies...drink fruit juices(natural like lemon,chinese orange or in filipino calamansi)...then have some balance diet,then do not eat meats...ok

  6. click this link for detailed answer

  7. tae-bo probably isn't cutting it.  you need to target the areas that are giving you problems (usually the gut with guys)

  8. Sometimes when you radically change you eating habits, your body can revert to "cave man" days by preserving fat stores and slowing your metabolism to protect against the perceived threat of a food shortage!  

    It is more important that you speed up your metabolism.  Eat small amounts regularly, and huff and puff...a lot!  It's all about cardio.  You should go to your doctor as well.  They may be able to help you, and/or find out if there is any medical reason for you not losing weight    

  9. It's because, without eating a balance meal, you're actually doing yourself harm rather than helping yourself. 800 calories a day, especially at that size, it very dangerous. You're practically starving yourself, which will actually PREVENT you from losing weight. Drink plenty of water, yes, but eat according to the food pyramid. Eat small portion sizes, but make sure you're eating enough to sustain yourself.

    And it's actually more beneficial to exercise like that every OTHER day, because it gives your muscles time to heal in between workouts, otherwise you're going to be breaking down your muscles, and it won't be helping you any. I would recommend doing tae bo every other day, and walking a couple miles on the days when you aren't doing tae-bo.

    And you're probably building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you're probably losing fat and building muscle at the same time, and since muscle weighs more than the fat does, you won't be losing pounds, but you will be getting toned and will be dropping inches instead.

  10. You should be dropping weight like crazy, but I'm 14 and no expert but with what you've said it sounds like something is going wrong.

    Perhaps you just have a slow metabolism, or perhaps it's just in your genes to be a bit larger than others.

    I don't think you should be having so little calories a day, I'm pretty sure that does more bad than good.

    I would suggest however, make sure that the exercise you are doing is designed to lose weight and not to body build (or you'll put on weight with larger muscles).

    You should perhaps see your GP for some advice, it's best to lose weight in the safest way possible to have no health implications. He / She can maybe point out why you are not losing weight yet and help you to fix that.

    Remember losing weight rapidly is bad, it is going to be slow and gradual and may take several months of hard work.

    By the way, my BMI is slightly lower than yours (by about 1 xD) but what you need to keep in mind is that because it is body MASS index, it doesn't necessarily give you an insight on whether it is measuring fat, muscle, or bone. Because it is true that some have much larger bones.

  11. Go to this site and download their E-book, I'm sure it will help you!

  12. diets...don't work. You have  to change your life style. Eating smaller meals 4 to 5 times a day is good, don't make those meals chips and burgers or something. Try and choose healthy things like a turkey sandwich with fruit and water ( drink a lot of water). make sure you are getting enough protein,and vitamins etc. A guy your size needs to eat way more than 800 calories a day. 2500 calories is good.Exercise for at least 45 min a day. switching off with arobics one day then weight lifting the next.example monday:bicycle tuesday:lift weights wednesday:running. etc.Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat!  Get a friend or someone in your family to work out with  or just be able to encourage you. Good luck!


    Yeppers, this does happen to those who go to the extreme and try to starve themselves 'skinny'!

    Now, you weigh 250 pounds, so, in order to lose weight, eat 2400 calories... Everytime you drop 10 pounds, then decrease your calorie intake by 10 also, and eventually you will get down to the weight that you desire.

    Also, continue exercising, because dieting with out exercising is worthless, you need muscle mass to burn all those fat calories and the more muscle you put on, the leaner you will be...but, beware, that eventually you will 'even out' and have enough muscle mass that you wont be losing the weight, (this isnt considering the different 'plateaus' you will be hitting where you wont lose weight for weeks at a time as your body gets adjusted to new weights).

    Also, adjust your training to point to different parts of the body.

    For a free diet site, that I would highly recommend to anyone is:

    They give you exercises, and diet plans and you can count your calories and watch your progress and its absolutely free and they have loads of support groups too!

    May the LORD be with you.

    I wish you well...


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