
Why he does like this?????

by Guest67101  |  earlier

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i know my problem sounds silly but right now at this point of time i am upset about how my husband reacted sometime back.

to tell you the truth my husband never likes whatever dress i pick up. he becomes very critical about my taste too. i used to take him before while shopping, he never liked whatever i would pickup . and then i started going when i shop and get back home to show him what i shopped he doesn't react to it. or he says "ITS OK". i have noticed that when i see some girl walking by and tell my husband that her dress is nice, he instantly agrees with me.

its like he likes everybody's cloths except mine.




  1. I think you are being too sensitive. Its not about you. Is he g*y or metro sexual? Maybe he just doesn't have a taste for women's clothing, many men don't. Does he love you?  What more do you want? You are lucky he ever went shopping with you. Men don't want to go clothes shopping.

    Maybe you really have bad taste. I am not trying to be mean, just honest.Maybe you have good taste and he has bad taste.

    The point is, there are much worse things that could be going on in your relationship besides his lack of liking your dresses.

    He is there with you and he loves you. Think about all the things you love about him. Are those things a little more endearing then dress choices?

    There are several things I do not like about my man. He doesn't like to go swimming with me. He doesn't go out much, but, he is a man of integrity, high morals, and is very gentle and takes care of me when I have busy days, cooking doing my laundry etc.

    Those things, make any small differences unimportant.

    Good luck!

  2. Sorry to be rude here, but he sounds weird. Most men don't give a c**p about a dress or some jeans that a woman is wearing. The one guy I did know who was obsessed with his girlfriend's wardrobe had image issues and wanted to make sure that she made him look good. He had an ego the size of Texas. And, why are you pointing out other girls' clothes to your man? Do you want to purposely draw his attention to other women? Solution: Don't ask for his opinion on any of your clothes. Wear what the h e l l you want and be confident in your decisions. If he says anything, tell him there are guys out there who would love your clothes; crumpled up on their bedroom floor!  

  3. He doesnt want you anymore

  4. One word: DIVORCE


  5. Don't think so much and don't over sensitive.  

  6. okay this isn't really an answer but try this-point out a dress on another girl to see if he likes it then a couple weeks later wear the same thing to see what he thinks of it. make sure its something he wont remember when you wear it.

  7. I hate to tell you this sweetheart but it is obvious he has lost interest in you. It may be because of an affair or maybe he wants out of the any given case.. its time to stop trying to please him and please yourself.. if he doesn't come around, kick him to the curb..

  8. Let me cue you in on something if you have not figured it out yet.. You are not upset that he does not like the clothes you pick.  You are upset because he is not reassuring you how beautiful you are... That is the problem, and there is nothing wrong with that...

    In short.. You need to talk to him and let him know that you are not feeling very beautiful when he does not notice you.  If he truly cares about you, he will know exactly what to say to put a huge smile back on that face of yours... :)

    Good Luck and I Hope this Helps

  9. I am sure that he just doesnt know how to answer you. At least he agrees with you. Maybe say something like " This dress is pretty", and he might say I think so to. Sometimes we are not sure HOW to answer.

  10. So let em' pick the clothes... if you want him to like what you put on then, let him pick it.

    That's what I'd do. I want my man to love what I'm wearing so what he says is cute is what I'd buy... stop trying to make him like what you want him to like. Men know what looks good.  

  11. Get him to shop with you.  Guys don't typically like that, but, maybe you can find something he does like.

    Is this the only trouble you have?  So far it seems minor.  But then again I am a guy and how I look might not be as important to me as it does to you.

  12. i am pear shape body thats why i only buy pants and outfit thats good for pear shape body.. u should check or ask ur husband what body shape u have..  

  13. this goes in the same category as making a bed. how much time can we husbands waste saying oh that's nice. in case you have not noticed clothes are not that important to most guys. and wives love to make a bed . why? how much of your life do you waste making a bed?. also the thing about clothes is a no win answer. if we say its ok we get yelled at if we say oh its nice we get yelled at for not caring enough.

  14. maybe he's afraid to tell u how he feels or maybe he doesn't know what to say. he may know what to say but can be shy about it. tell him how u feel.  

  15. confront him on it. maby give him a magazine and ask him to pick out ones he likes. then you can choose from those. he probably dosnt realize the way he make you feel by how he reacts

  16. HMMM  well when you pick out clothes that another girl is wearing and you have on something similar. does he still give you a shove?

    maybe you should ask him why he react that way? or why he dosent react toward you at all?

    guys are weird at times.. try lagerie

  17. He seems very controlling.  All husbands should say they like your clothes unless they are very very ugly and that is almost never.  He already has you so he thinks he doesn't need to impress you.  Have you talked to him about this?  Most likely it is just the way he is.

  18. he's probably too embarassed to tell you how beautiful u are..i dont know how long u have been married but maybe he just wants u to  be jealous,

    and a tip would be not to show him wat u wear just wear it and stun him

    (^_^) hope i helped

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