
Why her husband don't cheat?????????????

by  |  earlier

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somene answer this its been going on for like weeks and dont choose my answer either please cuss its not goood ok pls just choose a good answer not mine though pls here is the link :;_ylt=Aitsy5qukqYEWvk5ejmQ_vwjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080618082620AAHEZst




  1. lol...people are strange.  This is the answer I picked (I don't know if its yours or not)

    First of all, what is your question? Secondly, have you made it past the 6th grade? You sound uneducated...

    "my husband just want to be all up in my face"

    WTF -- this is a joke, right?

  2. After reading through several, I vote for # names are mentioned so I don't have a clue who posted it...obviously not yours since you said yours wasn't a good answer...that's just the one that best fits my own views.

  3. The question made no sense.She wnated to know why her husband didn't cheat and then she insults him?

    She has a serious LACK communication skills .

  4. lol # 8

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