
Why hindus don't eat non-veg in shravan??

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tell what are the scietific reasons behind it




  1. The month of Shravan is the fifth month of the Hindu calender beginning from Chaitra, and is the most auspicious month of the Chaturmas.

    This month is spread out with innumerably religious festivals and ceremonies and almost all the days of this month are auspicious.  

    Shravan is considered the holiest month of the year. Each monday of this month, known as Shravana Somvar, is a special day in Shiva temples...

    So Hindus consider this month as holy and Keep non veg away..

  2. Firstly their is not any scientfic reason behind this but purely religous like many have explained. Also many hindus like me don't follow vegetarianism at any point unless they are fasting for a puja.

  3. i think there is not any scienfic reason , it believed that this month is related to Lord Shiva, so hindus refuse to eat non veg in this month

  4. no scientific reason

  5. Hindus think that shravan is Gods mounth thats why  they abort  to eat non-veg in shravan.

  6. Hindus shudnt be eating meat at all

  7. there culture n believe..................nothing else

  8. Its all hyprocracy.

    Just eat what you like and when you like.

    You only live once so enjoy life.

    Sod the reasoning.

  9. i don't know the scientific reason but being a Hindu i can tell you a religious fact,why they do so

    actually ,in Hindus,shravan is counted as a holy month of lord Shiva,and so they don't eat non-veg at that time,bcz god has created all the humans and animals,and he has also provided vegetation on earth for the creatures.

    so ,the holy hindus,believe that ,they must not kill the creatures made by the god and also they are created by the same god

    i  am a pure vegetarian,i should advise all to be vegetarian and moreover by eating non -veg it can causes diseases like bird-flu and furthermore why should we kill anyone?

    the religious reason i told u is about some old belief ,which we can never change;i also don't want to change

    well ,it was nice Q.

    reply me if u get any scientific reason.


    loves**JUHI PATEL**

  10. it is based on scientific reasons...

    there is maximum relative humidity during shravan maas (month)...

    non-veg foods are suspected to carry harmful micro-organisms... like bacteria and virus... under humid conditions...

    that's why Hindus don't eat non-veg food in this month...

  11. Google your question, you'll be surprised the answers you find to your questions when you put them in the search engine.

    Good Luck!  :):)

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