
Why hindus in India want conversion of religion to be banned?

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Its already been banned in state of Rajasthan and a bill to ban it in Gujarat failed in the assembly but the members have vowed to introduce to bill again. India is supposed to be a secualr state with the fundamental right to practice any religion of his choice available to all its residents. then why is it behaving like Saudi Arabia (when it claims superior to Saudi Arabia)?

the bill seems to be aimed at conversion of hindus to christians and muslims as no christian and muslim group has asked for the conversion ban, but only by right wing hindus.




  1. Sense of insecurity would be on top of those reasons for sure.  

  2. I don't know about India, but we should pass anti-atheist laws in the states... no more non-christians, no muslims, no pilsbury dough believers, no praying to the porcelin gods, etc.. !!!

    Christianity 2008 is my motto!!

  3. Much of the Indian economy still depends on exploited underclasses, the existence of these classes are made possible by the Hindu religion's caste system. When people of lower castes realize that they can join another religion, that means that they are no longer restricted from having better professions and bettering their lives. This fact is unspoken and the argument mostly given for banning of conversion is the erosion of the Indian culture.

  4. Because certain anti social and anti human elements are bribing , manipulating and forcing poor people to establish thier foothold in India..secularism should be respected for what it is; it shouldnt become a tool to carry out  unfair and threatening activities

    if Christianity is such a great religion then why do they send thier missionaries to convert people and increase thier members?..there have till this date been no conversions to Buddhism then why are millions of Westerners adopting it? because its a true religion..mankind wants and God has given it a right to set themselves free and thats what truth truth doesnt need force and bribing to attract people

    Christ said help the oppressed and burdened unconditionally- this is charity ...holding bread from pewoples mouth and first providing them money and then oppressing them with loans -all this to convert them is neither a great religious deed, nor secularism , not freedom and not even human

    I think what happenned in Rajasthan was good and this should happen in all less affluent states and u.t's of would prevent such violence in future too

    only ill informed people say that a caste system exists in India..wake up you are stll reading the books of early 1900

    Dances with Kaali is quiet right.

  5. Would you want an inferior religion that bribes the poor with money when you have some of  the most beautiful spiritual teachings on the Planet? I'm happy India is standing up, the Native Americans would have to if they would have known what was coming.

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