
Why hit and run is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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i have to write an essay on why hit and run is wrong...

im running out of ideas here.

can u list some reasons y it is wrong????????

please help!!

its due tomorrow




  1. Consider yourself as victim and you will find many reasons.

    It's responsibility of a human to help an injured person.

    And the first, who should help should be who is responsible for the injury.

  2. because you could kill someone and not even offer them any help. then you cause them financial hardship because they have top pay for everything instead of your insurance

  3. 1. No suspect

    2. Vistim doesn't get settelment

    3.  Disrespect to other drivers

    4. Cowardice

    5. Victim left hurt

  4. here's what to do.

    pretend that someone you loved was out walking, and got hit in the crosswalk, and the person took off and left them for dead.

    now..why would it be wrong?

    sometimes you just have to put yourself there.

  5. Well.....

    Someone might need your help

    it's morally wrong

    it's illegal


  6. first: its illegal

    makes you unaccountable for you and your actions

  7. If you cannot think of a reason why hit and run is wrong, then I sincerely hope you do not posess a drivers license.

  8. [In a war perspective:]

    My answer is simply in response to the essay topic. I do not personally believe that it is generally wrong.

    -You can base your essay on the cowardice of hit and run.

  9. what if you hit someone and they are alive, but hurt really badly, they need help

  10. becasue you damage someones car and leave them to pay for it and take care of it with their money, and its your fault.

    If you hit a person, you could kill them, or injure them badly.

  11. Have to take responsibilty for ones action.  Also, you need to stay and see if the victim needs immediate medical attention!

  12. The question of why is left to haunt the family of the victim. Whether the victim was actually at fault ,or totally innocent, the lack of a driver to identify, to put a face to, gives victim families a block to the grieving process.

    There will be shock, sorrow and grief, followed by anger and questions, in any fatality incident. A regretful driver, or a judicial sentence for a crime committed, will assist the family in the healing process.

    A driver who may not be at fault, turns a tragic accident into a crime by leaving the scene. This not only blocks the grieving process for the family, but also turns an otherwise innocent driver into a criminal, and a hunted person.

    Why would someone kill another person in an accident and flee? Either the driver is hiding something or has something to protect, usually themselves. It would seem that some people, if they think they can get away with something, will try, no matter the consequences.

    These people see right as what benefits themselves, and wrong as someone else's problem. The realization of suddenly being responsible for the death of another human being, and a reaction, can be the ultimate test of one's true character.

  13. If it is a bad accident and one person is seriously injured and the other person takes off, then the injured person may not get the help that they need. Hope this helps. :)

  14. morally and ethically it is wrong to do something and not take responsibility for it.

  15. Look at it from a third party stand point, as if you were a witness to a hit and run would you consider the person that ran guilty or innocent debate it and find good transitions to both.

  16. Hit and run is wrong because the driver - who is at fault - is not taking responsibility for his actions.  If he kills someone, he is guilty of manslaughter.

  17. list:

    -Taking Responsibility

    -It is wrong in the since that you might have killed the victim and just left him/her to rot

    -Is it morally right? No.. elaborate on that

    -find statistics over hit and runs and how often they happen then go off on that as well

    Other stuff:

    use the thesaurus a lot that always help

    -try not using be verbs such as: we her him be stuff like that

    -use good adj. and verbs!!

  18. because you put damage on some1 elses property and you dont take blame for it

  19. crime.

    car accident if the car speeds

    pedestrain safty

  20. It's sick





  21. you are responsible for hurting the person, you are responsible for helping the person

    they could need immediate attention, and you might need to help right aeway

    it is the right thing to do

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