
Why homophobia?

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I DONT GET IT!! I mean, all the homophobs I've met have been like "I don't like g**s because they're weird" and I think that's a stupid reason. I've always been completely for g**s, even though I'm not g*y myself.

If SOMEONE out there knows a valid point for not liking g**s PLEASE SPEAK or forever hold your silence and I will go on thinking homophobs are a bunch of morons. Sorry, they really don't seem to have a basis for their conclusion which bugs me.

Also please share your thoughts about whether "they're weird" should be considered a valid reason.. Maybe some people really ARE scared of them for no apparent reason, or is it just ignorance? Do you feel that way?

p.s. Gee, I hope people don't get mad at me for asking this for some strange reason, homosexuality seems to be a tad bit of a touchy issue some places.




  1. Yes, homophobia is a condition of being intolerant of the g**s. Basically, having no empathy for them for they are seen as different and inferior. It is also fearfulness that something the g**s are (like a disease) will rub off on those homophiliacs and make them tainted. Its caused by ignorance. Its a simular pattern as the prejudice against blacks.

  2. It's pure ignorance. People are born g*y, they don't ask for it. Just as the same as we're born straight. There is really NO reason to be homophobic, especially by claiming they're just "weird". Yes, I think they're all honestly just afraid of them & chances are most homophobs feel homosexual feelings deep inside as well. It's stupid & wrong, but unfortunately that's just the way society is..

  3. Man laying with man, or woman laying with woman IS NOT A NATURAL ACT!!!!, by the laws of GOD Himself; - do you have s*x with animals? Probably, "NO!", why?, Because it is not a natural thing to do. Man was not meant to lay with man nor animal, nor was woman meant to lay with woman or animal, see the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis. Homosexuality is what has caused the spread of HIV and AIDS.  I have taken care of both Cancer and AIDS patients at their homes and watched them die horrible deaths because of their choice of lifestyles. To insert ones p***s into an area that is meant for EXIT, an area to get rid of the bodies waste, is akin to sticking a used needle into ones arm.  The intestinal tract is not very thick, it can rip very easily and cause a myriad of problems, polyps and parasites come to mind. And weird has nothing to do with doing something that is morally wrong and is disgusting. Homosexuality is touchy because those that are doing it KNOW that it is wrong, just like child p**n and molestation is wrong. Would you want your boyfriend to come home and have s*x with you after he has had himself up inside some guys rear-end? Would you? Or maybe he has performed fellatio and wants to slip you the tongue?  Homosexuality is WRONG no matter how it is sliced and diced and supposedly justified, it is between a man and a woman ALONE that procreation is justified and has been since the beginning of time. One can choose not to be g*y anymore, but one can not change the color of their skin as mentioned about predjudice, and scientifically speaking; science has proven beyond a shadow of any doubt, that homosexuality is a CHOICE!, not a defunct gene or just born that way. Anyone condoning homosexuality apparently condones the sexual exploitation of women in pornos, the molestation of children and child p**n and likes to be called, and I quote, (after having lived in San Francisco,Ca,17 years), "No good f**king breeders!". Homo-phobia is not the problem, Hetero-phobia is ! It is a poison to society, and it has THE HIGHEST domestic violence rate in the world, and the g*y people that I have cared for were anything but monogamous, hence Rectal Cancer/Polyps, which lead to HIV / AIDS, due to a lowered immune system, monogamy is not the g*y life style...anything to get off and those are death bed confessions, I know, I was there and watched them die.  As the old saying goes, "If God had wanted man with man, it would have Adam and Steve, NOT Adam and Eve".  The Bible states," A man shall leave his mother and father and shall cleave to his wife,(NOT his male lover), and the two shall be as one, no longer two but one flesh" and divorce is ONLY for those who are sexually immoral,( commit adultery), that upsets God alot, because it goes against His plans for us, plans to prosper us, plans for hope, plans for a future, thoughts of peace and not evil - Jeremiah 29:11

  4. Well....  I used to be a bit homophobic becaues in '04 I came out of the pennetentiary.  In prison it is connected with such things as disease and slavery.  NOw; although I do not agree with the lifestyle I pretty much relegate it to something God judges and not myself and actually have some g*y friends.

  5. I am not g*y...but I have no problem with others who are...Live and let live.

    People can dislike g*y people for a number of reasons.

    One they fear what they don't understand...perhaps they are afraid of homosexual feelings in themselves...Another reason is they fear being ostrasized for a different reason and don't want to identify with how g**s are treated in our society....

  6. Homophobia is contributed to the fact that people in our society have not accepted the homosexual act.  Many do not approve of it for moral reasons, and for some its medical/scientifical logic. Many look at the g*y man or woman in disgust because they feel it is a complete abomination before god (and it does say so in the bible). But as time has marched on, many of us have learned to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to homosexual tendencies, because they have come to the realization that no matter how much we protest it, or speak out against it, it's not going anywhere, and things will not change.

    Not to mention it’s a waist of both time and energy to even allow yourself to be submersed in homophobia if it doesn't affect you directly. I could care less what some one does, or who they do it with in the privacy of their own home. It has nothing to do with me, and how I live my everyday life. As long as they show me respect as a human being, don't call me out my name or pass judgment on me. I have friends who are g*y/L*****n; and I'm here to tell you, they've given me more respect as a friend then those of my so-called friends who are straight. I personally am not L*****n, but I do not have a problem with those who are. THEY have to answer for their actions here on earth no matter how I feel about it. I'm not the judge and jury in someone’s life.

    And I've noticed that women have become more tolerable of it vs. men, because men fear being accused of homosexuality if they show acceptance too it. Most women don't give a dam. I have a blast when I hang out with my g*y friends. I'm comfortable with them, they accept me for who I am, and I accept them the same. But I know my straight guy friends would have a really tuff time hanging out with my g*y friends, so I don't even mix the two. Most men feel like even being seen with a g*y man would diminish their man hood. So, they join the crowed in an old fashion verbal stoning. The funny thing is, straight men don't have a problem sleeping with many different women, catching many different STD's/HIV/AIDS, and passing it along to someone else. But they have a problem with a g*y man, who stays monogamous in a committed relationship with one man. To most straight men, the STD infested straight man is the lesser of two evils, because it doesn't say in the bible that it’s not ok to do so. Let’s not mention the acceptingly fashionable adultery labels that men and women wear like the latest accessory, vs. a g*y woman that just wants to be able to say “I do” to the woman she’s loved all her life. That's always been interesting to me. I could care less to tell you the truth.

    All in all, you should care if someone gets mad at you for asking such a question. You wanted to know how people feel, so you inquired. And don't let anyone who takes their anger towards g**s/lesbians out on you. It's only a touchy issue because people feel strongly about how right/wrong it is. I do believe that it is a choice to be g*y or straight. I seriously do not believe that people are born that way. But, I wouldn’t know personally, because I wasn’t faced with making such a choice. But I do choose to do onto others as I would have them do unto me.

    And homosexuality has nothing to do with beastiality. You people really need to get off that kick of comparing two totally different subjects to try and prove a lame @$$ point. Most of you are only copying what you saw someone else post previously. The girl only asked you for your opinion not someone else’s. Just because someone is g*y doesn’t mean they lay with farm animals. Only someone of ignorance would post such a comment. If you’re against it, or feel its “Nasty” then leave it at that. Don’t be childish by taking it  to a whole different level of perversion.

  7. Homophobia, or any fear of others, is in itself "weird". Most people who are afraid of another's differences see something within that person they themselves fear. I.e Most homophobics have homosexual thoughts, desires, or feelings.

    Unfortunately hatred is a common language, and many are taught to that which they do not understand. It would be great if everyone could communicate, articulate their fears, and in turn move towards acceptance.

  8. I think it is there in every person but in some case it become more. g**s r not good people bcuz it is against the law of nature. No wonder we then see the fate and consequences of this sin. I would suggest u to think of some other topic rather. The more u involve ur mind the more u become homophobic.

  9. I think homosexuality is nasty. Does that make me a homophobe? No. I'm not afraid of them any more than i'm afraid of a man who is attracted to farm animals. I just think the thought of kissing another man is grose. On the other hand, I would help one in need. I love the human race and if they want to be nasty, I say go for it. What you eat don't make me ****.

  10. I've got nothing against  homosexuals, but since you're actuallly asking for a reason I'm inclined to give you one.

    Technically a g*y relationship cannot bare children thusly reducing the general birth rate in their area(unless one or both partners donate sperm or impregnates their self and then raises said child) . It can then be said that such a relation is negatively affecting the census as a whole....BUT then again we have more than 2 billion other people pumping out more than one baby each so we're still pretty well covered.

    This is to say that homosexuality as a permenant choice can be viewed as a negative effect on the community's overall population, but not that homosexuals theirselves are a negative effect on the community. The individuals in the relationship are not actually contributing to the decline of birth rates or causing any damage what so ever, infact their staying without a child would be equivalent to the right of any other individuals deciding to go without a spouse or offspring as a single person can do so. Infact considering, besides their sexual prefence, that homosexuals demonstrate no other psychological inconsistancies or instability they can be considered harmless.( So long as their preferences and partners range within the legal ages for such a relationship).

    Homosexuals are not odd, besides reproduction nowhere else is it solidified what choice in partner we should live with. That is to say, that apart from genetics, nothing binds us to not having any other relations with whoever we choose. To wrap this up, so long as the two individuals in the relationship contribute productively to their community and take responsibility for their choice they cannot be seen as harmful in anyway, and I fully support whatever other choices they make.
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