
Why hope when we have nothing to base it on?

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Why hope when we have nothing to base it on?




  1. What's the alternative?  To despair?  If you need a basis for hope, base it on the fact that one of the few guarantees in life is that things will change.  So, if things are bound to change regardless of what you do, you might as well hope for things to change for the better.  (Getting out there and trying to make it happen would be a good idea, as well.)  Hope generates positive energy.  If nothing else you are putting positive energy into the world and that's never a bad thing.  Hope can sustain you and and keep you motivated, even during the bad times.

  2. maybe u think u don't JESUS  is the reason  may god bless you amen          serinity prayer      dear god; grant me the serintity to accept the thing i cannot change courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference amen

  3. That is where your intelligence and free will come it.  No one can make you hope, or prove that it is worthwhile.  You can doubt anyone that is hopeful as unrealistic.  You try to hope and feel fake as you know there is no basis or evidence to justify it beyond reasonable doubt.  But hold on, maybe your own question reveals the root of the problem.   What does it mean to have 'nothing' to base it on.  There are 2 interesting takes on this, if you wish to explore.  1)  The statement that there is nothing to based it on, really illustrates that there is nothing the person can see, to base it on.  That means there may be a real basis of hope that is not where one is looking, or is beyond one's current state of ability to perceive.  So in that case hope would not be baseless, but the onus would be on the person to explore expanding their capacity to be able to perceive that actual aspect of reality that  some others have 'seen' that  they report as a sold basis for hope.  So that sounds a little mystical, but you did ask.  2)  From a more philosphical view, maybe more eastern thought, the word 'nothing ' is very significant and meaningful.  For the deeper layers of life and not available to the senses.  And the basis of life is said to be in that silent nothingness, which if given a name might be called God, by some.   The ego always has a choice of doubting what some religious or spiritual folks say about life past the empirical, or believing.  But if believing seems to much like guessing, and guessing seems like hope, and that seems unrealistic, then one might explore finding about 'knowing'.  A small point that is more psychological, about why hope, is that those who let themselves be hopeful, and posiitve about the unknown future, have been found in research studies, to function better, and live healthier, well adjusted lives, than the realists ( who tend to be more depressed by what life looks like factually).  Have fun with you exploration.

  4. Base it on life.  Where there's life, there's hope!

  5. The only answer I can give you here is.. why not?

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