
Why/how is john mccain a maverick?

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it seems like you cant watch the news more then ten minutes with out hearing the word maverick....

how is he a maverick?

1. Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, esp. an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.

2. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates.

3. (initial capital letter) an electro-optically guided U.S. air-to-ground tactical missile for destroying tanks and other hardened targets at ranges up to 15 mi. (24 km).




  1. Its like when they call big guys "Tiny," it is just a funny nick name that stuck.

  2. Uhhhh, it's number 2.  He has only voted along party lines 45% of the time on MAJOR legislation.  

    He will go back to being a Maverick again after the election when he will hand the Democrats just about everything they want. That's why Lieberman supports him.  And unlike oh bummer McCain puts country ahead of party and himself.

    McCain/Palin '08

  3. 2 all though he is experienced with number 3 also.that alone show's he has more experience than obama.

  4. oh, I thought fred thompson said McCain was a maverick because he got his arms broken as a prisoner of war. I wonder what they call soldiers who lose limbs, eyes, organs, or parts of their brains, families, jobs, benefits, and are then sent back for a 3rd or 4th tour? Um....seems like McCain has totally owned Maverick

  5. The whole "Maverick" issue is a myth.  Only critics of McCain use the term, no one else in the media uses it.  It's a red herring.

  6. LMAO "He has experience with number 3?"  He has experience crashing multiple planes in the service and cheating on his dying wife when he returned.

  7. He just plain isn't.

  8. I was thinking the same exact thing!  The word is so over used especially on Faux News.  It's simply a buzz word that only the warmongering right can relate to.

  9. 2 is the most pertinent. John McCain has a history in the Senate of voting what he believes, rather than just along party lines. He votes with the Republican senators most of the time, but many voters believe that he does so because he believes in the cause, not just because he's a Republican.

  10. was'nt a maverick an old extinct Ford?

  11. That 10% of the time McCain didn't vote with Bush make McCain a Maverick.

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