
Why humans are least bothered about humanity and charity?

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Why humans are least bothered about humanity and charity?




  1. Please rephrase the question, this makes no sense.

    Do you mean, "Why are humans least bothered about humanity and charity?"

    What other species are bothered more than us about humanity and charity?

  2. ???????

  3. Well we are more bothered by it overall as compared to animals. Seeing as how they are usually willing to abandoned crippled members of their society.

  4. Just a theory - MY theory - but for humans, being compassionate for one another and learning to give rather than take is not a natural part of our genetic makeup.

    Just watching the youngest of children interacting and see if my theory holds water. Children will take, and not be bothered how another child would react.

    Being compassionate and charitable is something we appear to need to learn, rather than appear to have as part of our nature.  

  5. I wish I knew. It seems people have gotten very selfish and it's gotten to be about "me" instead of about helping those who need help. Never in my entire life, have I heard so many greedy people "I shouldn't have to use my taxes to care for them, why should I take care of them, why, why , why".  Take the issue of homelessness. Everybody says "it's not my responsibility..send them to a shelter". but nobody wants to volunteer at a shelter or donate to a shelter so how do you have a shelter with no volunteers and no donations. You don't.  Use to be if a person was poor, people went out of their way to help them get ahead but now.. all you get is "it's not my responsibility..they need to get a better job or an education but these same people that say these things REFUSE to hire these "welfare bums". so.. people can't win.  

  6. since most of the organizations which are advertising charity are fake, and also humans are proud and selfish of themselves,  

  7. Iv asked my self that a hundred times and i still cant find an answer.. i mean we have celebrities claiming they are all for animals and the preservation of them but not to theyre own people..its like your own mother leaving you outside to die..while letting the dog in!!

    did you know the world spends more on animal food then humanitarian aid? that speaks for it self when not more then decades ago we use to shoot animals and hang their heads up on a wall ...but know they're endangered?...I plan to donate 2 - 3% of my income to charities that i know are gonna gove it to the people and wont play around with the money ....that way my mind will be at ease and i can look in the mirror and say i am not like the rest because i care !!

    p.s good question.

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